Chapter 1027
Rao Bei Gong Xiyan, who has seen strong winds and waves, can't help but change slightly at this moment.

The two monsters looked like long worms, but they were a circle larger than the boa constrictor. Their huge teeth swirled like spiral blades, and they swept towards Beigong Xiyan forcefully.

There was a transparent protective cover behind it, and Bei Gong Xiyan's eyes quickly flashed a fierce color, and then he ruthlessly blasted towards the huge long worm over there.

"Ji——!" Immediately, the person who was beaten let out a shrill scream. The long worm had a layer of fine scales, and when Bei Gongxiyan's attack hit it, it made a very small one. The wound, and the wound recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Looking at the scales on the worm, Bei Gongxiyan realized that the scales on these worms were made of the same material as the barrier!
After realizing this, Bei Gong Xiyan's expression changed immediately, and he immediately fought with the two long insects.

Standing in front of the barrier, Ye Qianyue and his party calmly looked at Bei Gong Xiyan's embarrassed appearance.

The entire channel has been filled with sea water. If Beigong Xiyan hadn't taken the energy beads, he would already be deprived of oxygen, and then swallowed by those two long worms.

Seeing that Ye Qianyue and the others just looked at him coldly and had no intention of coming over to break the barrier, Bei Gong Xiyan did not forget to give Ye Qianyue and the others a hard look in such a situation.

"This old guy deserves his death, or we shouldn't save him." Shi Qi simply disliked Beigong Xiyan, and really wanted Beigong Xiyan to die inside that barrier.

"If possible, I would like to do the same, but this Beigong Eclipse is not so easy to deal with." Ye Qianyue looked coldly at Beigong Eclipse in the passage, obviously knowing that he would not be so It was simply solved by those two long worms.

Sure enough, as soon as Ye Qianyue's words fell, the Beigong Eclipse Flame in the barrier suddenly exerted force, and then two blazing flames rushed out instantly, stirring up the sea water in the tunnel to boil.

They all looked at Beigong Xiyan, everyone looked at his murderous look, and in front of him were the corpses of two huge long worms that had been roasted.

Those eagle-like eyes were full of rebellion and gloom, Bei Gong Xiyan looked at Ye Qianyue and his party over there, and raised his eyes coldly, "Now, you can let me out."

The fierce look in Bei Gong Xiyan's eyes changed people's expression, and it also made Ye Qianyue's complexions sink.

"Let him out, wait until he gets serious. The entire underground palace is likely to be destroyed by him directly." As he said, Huang Beiyan looked at Ye Qianyue, "We will have opportunities in the future, so there is no need to rush this For a while."

Gently nodding her head, Ye Qianyue casually threw a few bottles of explosives, completely blowing the barrier open.

With a loud "boom", the barrier shattered, and the boiled water rushed out of it.

In a mess, Bei Gong Xiyan came out with an ugly face, those sinister bloodthirsty eyes stared at Ye Qianyue.

"The old man is really good at it, Qianyue really admires it."

(End of this chapter)

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