The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 1028 Are you mocking him to die!

Chapter 1028 Are you mocking him to die!

Obviously looking at Bei Gong Xiyan's embarrassed appearance, Ye Qianyue still said such a sentence with a light smile.

Bei Gong Xiyan was almost overwhelmed by Ye Qianyue's words, and Bei Gong Xiyan squeezed his fist tightly, then sneered at Ye Qianyue, "Hehe, Miss Ye is really good at joking. Once, the old man obviously made the wrong choice."

"What I admire is this old Mr. Beigong." Ye Qianyue's beautiful smiling face looked very harmless, but what she said was sarcasm, "Obviously I told the old Mr. The blue passage is even more dangerous, and the old man still insists on risking himself, not everyone can have such a persistent spirit."

Ye Qianyue's sneering words immediately made Bei Gong Xiyan's mouth stiffen, and the muscles on his face trembled directly.

Ye Qianyue is really brave this time!Could it be that what she said was mocking him for wanting to die!
It is true that Ye Qianyue's perception of danger is even more acute than her own, Bei Gong Xiyan looked at Ye Qianyue, and quickly calmed down her agitated heart, "Miss Ye, let's go quickly. "

"Naturally." Nodding slightly, Ye Qianyue looked at Beigong Xiyan, still showing a harmless smile, "Since old Mr. Beigong likes to explore so much, then this leading position will be given to the old man gone."

After Ye Qianyue's voice fell, everyone was also very conscious, and took the initiative to give up the front position of the team to Bei Gong Xiyan.

"Hmph." After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Bei Gong Xiyan snorted coldly, and then walked straight to the front.

Following closely behind, Ye Qianyue and the others did not dare to be careless.

Bursts of light glowed faintly in the lavender passageway, and it was quiet without a trace of breath leaking out, but it made people even more alert.

They all didn't dare to be careless, Ye Qianyue and the others felt the quiet air around them, and there was a trace of vigilance on their faces.

Here, everything is very dangerous, and it is impossible to pass oneself smoothly.

Unexpectedly, what kind of danger would be waiting for them in the future, Ye Qianyue and his party could only move forward step by step carefully.

Dangerous aura seemed to permeate everyone around all the time. It should be that dangerous, but it seemed to be nowhere to be found.

And soon, everyone heard a muffled 'click' coming from directly in front of them.

Everyone's nerves were tense. At this moment, they suddenly heard this strange voice, and everyone's eyes couldn't help trembling slightly.

At the same time, they stopped, and everyone vigilantly built a mind barrier in front of them, especially the Beigong Xiyan at the front, whose powerful barrier made people feel too cautious.

And just when everyone was already nervous to the limit, there was a slight sound, followed by a 'swoosh', a drop of purple water no bigger than half a fingertip pierced through the air, like a sharp bullet, ruthlessly He ruthlessly came towards the protective cover of Beigong Xiyan.

Only when everyone caught that drop of purple liquid, the protective cover of Beigong Xiyan had penetrated the inconspicuous purple drop directly, leaving a small hole! !
 There is still an update today~ please ask for a ticket~~
(End of this chapter)

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