Chapter 1032 Let's Begin
Everyone knew the strength of the barrier, but Ye Qianyue's understatement, unexpectedly, could blow up the barrier that was thicker than the previous one so easily?

This barrier is stronger than the previous ones, but Ye Qianyue didn't even use explosives, and just relied on that small crystal to blast such a strong barrier into pieces. that?This, this is too scary!
"Success!" With a joyful smile on her face, Ye Qianyue turned her head to look at the crowd, and said confidently, "I have a solution, I know how to break the corrosiveness of this purple liquid! "

"How do you do it? Do you directly refine it like you did just now?" Shi Qi and the others looked at Ye Qianyue with some curiosity and nodded.

"Yes, to put it bluntly, these corrosive purple liquids are ordinary thoughts with some violent power. As long as the water in them is drained, the violent power can be temporarily stabilized, and then a little bit of thought power can be instilled into it. , can successfully make this kind of crystal explode, and then have a better impact effect than explosives." Ye Qianyue's lips quickly evoked a bright smile, and those slender eyes quickly opened A sharp color flashed across, "As long as we can bake all these liquids into crystals, then we can continue to walk in."

"It's easy for you to say." As expected, Bei Gong Xiyan still disapproved, with a hint of sarcasm in the corner of his mouth, looking at Ye Qianyue.

"Old Mr. Beigong, if you have other ways, just come out directly. If you have no other way, then please don't talk too much." Si Linyuan has always believed in Ye Qianyue the most, seeing this Beigong Xiyan repeatedly He could no longer bear being rude to Ye Qianyue.

"City Lord Shura, how dare you speak to me like that?!" Bei Gong Xiyan was completely angry, he widened his eyes, and said angrily at Si Linyuan.

"Why, old Mr. Beigong wants to fight against my entire floating island?" Hearing Beigong Xiyan's murderous words, Si Linyuan showed no fear on his face, his brows and eyes were cold Said lightly to Beigong Xiyan.

"Old Mr. Beigong, I respect you, not because I am afraid of you, but because of the face of the Beigong family, I will show some kindness to you, but I hope Mr. Beigong will remember that Ah Yue is mine. Queen, I don't mind using the Holy Soul of Shura in our Shura City for her sake."

Si Linyuan's words made Bei Gong Xiyan's eyes tremble slightly.

Asura Holy Soul, that is a secret method passed down from generation to generation in Asura City. It is rumored that this secret method can greatly increase a person's strength, and it is not far from the so-called strongest level.

Si Linyuan's words showed how much he attached importance to Ye Qianyue.

Seeing Si Linyuan's serious face and his words without any falsehood, Bei Gong Xiyan gritted his teeth, and then squeezed out a few words viciously from between his teeth, "Fuck you!"

"Okay, it seems that everyone here has no objections, so let's start." Ye Qianyue completely ignored Bei Gong Xiyan's fierce eyes that were almost murderous, and a slow and moving smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. Said lightly to the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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