Chapter 1033
"I have another question." At this time, Beigong Huoyin suddenly reached out his hand, looking at Ye Qianyue with those blood-red eyes, and asked curiously, "So much purple liquid, what do you plan to do? How to refine it is not an easy job."

"I have the Shennong Ding, and the space in the Shennong Ding is infinite. At that time, as long as you help me pour the purple liquid into the Shennong Ding, it will be fine." Ye Qianyue said so, and quickly summoned Shennong tripod.

After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, everyone nodded.

Now that the decision has been made, everyone will not continue to waste time.

"These corrosive purple liquids can also corrode mind power, you must be careful." After saying this, Ye Qianyue nodded in unison when she saw everyone, and at the moment she also used the little left in her scepter space All the explosives were taken out.

With a few crisp sounds of 'bang bang bang', the explosive agent splashed on the barrier full of spider cracks, and then as Ye Qianyue's mind moved, a deafening explosion burst out suddenly.


Immediately, the barrier shattered, and countless purple liquids also rushed out quickly.

All of them quickly stimulated the thought power in their bodies at this moment, and then lifted up all the purple liquid together.

The power of thought was gradually corroded, but everyone's faces were full of seriousness, and then the power of thought was poured out continuously, so that the power of thought steadily held the purple liquid and condensed it into a huge liquid round ball.

Soon, as the purple liquid gradually condensed, Ye Qianyue also saw the timing, and said coldly, "Okay, it's now!"

Saying that, Ye Qianyue also raised her palm, and slapped Shennong Ding heavily!
With a muffled sound, the lid of the cauldron of Shennong Ding opened suddenly, revealing a dark seam of space!

In the gap, bursts of majestic spatial power could be heard faintly, which made people's expressions change!
Shennong Ding is connected to another vast space, this is something that everyone knows.

When they worked together to control the mind power, everyone exerted force at the same time, and then threw the purple liquid ball directly into the space seam.

There was only a muffled sound, and then the entire purple ball was directly sucked in.

Seeing the timing, Ye Qianyue frowned slightly, then immediately activated the Phoenix Soul Fire in her body, and threw it into the Shennong Cauldron.

At that moment, only a 'wow' was heard, and the flames in the Shennong Cauldron soared, quickly completely enveloping the mass of purple liquid.

A terrifying amount of water vapor emerged from the Shennong Cauldron, and quickly turned into nothingness, completely disappearing without a trace.

The terrible temperature baked the Shennong Ding, causing bursts of soft light green light to glow on the surface of the Shennong Ding, which was extremely moving.

The soft vitality contained in Shennong Cauldron turned into fine light spots at this moment, mixed with the Phoenix Soul Fire used by Ye Qianyue, and helped her refine it together.

The refining was proceeding in an orderly manner, and the huge ball gradually shrunk and became more viscous, not to mention, even the color was close to a deep purple that was approaching black.

Seeing this, Ye Qianyue directly divided the viscous liquid into countless pieces.

(End of this chapter)

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