Chapter 1043 Splendid Crystal Palace

"It's fine." Mingxiu looked at Ye Qianyue up and down, and after seeing that there was nothing wrong with Ye Qianyue, he finally let out a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Ye Qianyue is really fine, otherwise he would be really anxious to death.

"Girl, where have you been taken? It scared me to death!" Shi Qi came over curiously at this moment, and then looked Ye Qianyue up and down, obviously worried about her look.

"Is it a mechanism in the underground palace? The mechanism in the underground palace is really hard to guard against, and it came so suddenly." Beigong Huoyin was obviously also very nervous about Ye Qianyue, and looked her up and down, confirming Ye Qianyue. Nothing happened to Qianyue.

"Yeah, we should be more careful in the future." Ye Qianyue would not tell everyone that they met Qi Che, and Ye Qianyue breathed a long sigh of relief when she saw Bei Gong Xiyan over there.

I don't think Bei Gong Xiyan would worry about the safety of herself and Si Linyuan. Ye Qianyue knew that this old man must have his reasons for sighing like this.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue slowly narrowed her eyes, and then smiled at Bei Gong Xiyan in a friendly manner, "I'm sorry, it's because we dragged down the time and kept Mr. Bei Gong waiting for a long time. "

Obviously also aware of Ye Qianyue's suddenly friendly attitude towards him, Bei Gong Xiyan looked at Ye Qianyue with some surprise, as if he wanted to find some clues from her.

But there was nothing, Ye Qianyue seemed to be sincerely apologizing to him, her dark eyes were even filled with apology.

This, this is too strange, did Ye Qianyue let go of her guard against him?

Seeing Beigong Xiyan's surprised face, Ye Qianyue tilted her head in confusion, "Mr. Beigong, what's wrong with you, is there any problem?"

"No, no, I'm just glad that both of you came back safely, otherwise we will have to find a way to find you later." Bei Gong Xiyan is also an old fox, so shrewd that he can become a monkey with his tail inserted, and his acting skills are also absolute. It's amazing.

"Mr. Beigong said so, so I feel relieved." His eyes were still slightly narrowed, and Ye Qianyue had a harmless smile on his face, "Okay, since the matter has been resolved, how about we Just keep going."

"En, okay." Bei Gong Xiyan said so, and looked at Ye Qianyue with some doubts, and found that there was no flaw in the expression on her face, and then frowned and looked away.

Naturally, it is impossible for Bei Gong Xiyan to see anything wrong, and the smile on the corner of Ye Qianyue's lips seems to be somewhat innocent, especially harmless.

This little episode just passed, and everyone entered the passage again.

Sure enough, as Qi Che had promised, everyone moved forward without encountering any danger.

The passage was deep and very long, and there were many forks in the middle. Ye Qianyue followed Qi Che's instructions and did not take the forks at all, but kept moving forward.

Soon they reached the important point. Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of them, everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes, and stood in place in astonishment.

In front of them was a huge and magnificent crystal palace.

(End of this chapter)

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