Chapter 1044 Not at all

The transparent crystal reveals a trembling cold light, and countless blue lights of sea water are revealed through the huge crystal shield, faintly beating bursts of trembling light.

In the deep blue seabed, everything looks so mysterious, one glances at it lightly, but one can no longer look away and can only completely indulge in it.

The rumored Dragon King Crystal Palace is nothing more than this. This huge palace reveals a mysterious coldness, and it looks so perfect in every way.

I have never seen such a beautiful scenery before, and everyone walked out of the passage with a bit of shock on their faces.

Perfect, the Crystal Palace in front of me is so perfect that people can't find other adjectives other than this.

Seeing this incomparably cool scene in front of them, everyone's state of mind became uncontrollably turbulent.

"Is the longan hidden in this Crystal Palace?" Bei Gong Xiyan looked at the majestic Crystal Palace in front of him, and asked himself this question, a touch of excitement quickly appeared in those unruly eagle-like eyes, and then immediately Put oil on your feet and rush towards the Crystal Palace!

As long as he gets the longan here again, he can finally go to your legendary tomb of the gods!

Thinking that there was such a thing in the tomb of the gods that made him think about it for a hundred years, Bei Gong Xiyan couldn't help but speed up the pace under his feet.

"Girl, don't we need to hurry up? If it's too late, the dragon ball will be snatched away by that old thing." Killing Qi saw that Bei Gong Xiyan ran so fast, and couldn't help feeling a little anxious , immediately looked at Ye Qianyue and asked.

"Don't worry about him, just let him go first. Anyway, if we really grab him, we won't be able to grab him." Ye Qianyue knew that the one in the Crystal Palace was a fake, so she was not in a hurry at all.

But Ye Qianyue was not in a hurry, but Shi Qi was so anxious that he almost jumped up, "You girl has a big heart, why don't you care at all, if you get that longan, we can get rid of Bei Gong That old bastard, Xiyan, went straight to the Tomb of the Gods!"

"Okay, okay! The old man rushed out to have a look first, and you guys hurry up too!" Saying that, Shi Qi had oiled the soles of his feet, and rushed out directly.

Seeing how fast Shi Qi was going, Ye Qianyue couldn't stop him anymore, so she had to let him go.

"Senior Killing Seven's words are indeed good. It would be great if Beigong Xiyan wasn't around." Beigong Huoyin's eyes were serious, obviously he wasn't joking.

"If Beigong Xiyan heard what you said, I'm afraid he would be so angry that he would peel off your skin." Ye Qianyue glanced at Beigong Huoyin and said seriously.

Who knows, after hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Beigong Huoyin's mouth slightly curled into a smile, and asked half-truthfully, "Xiaoyue'er, I'm doing this for you, if that Beigong Xiyan If you were really angry and killed me because of this, would you feel sorry for me? Even, just a little bit?"

"No, not at all." Without waiting for Ye Qianyue to answer, Si Linyuan took a step forward, then stretched out his hand, and hugged Ye Qianyue's shoulder tightly, not even forgetting to hug Ye Qianyue fiercely. He glared at Beigong Huoyin.

"That's right, not at all." Mingxiu's face also sank, killing intent surged in those golden eyes, and he said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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