The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 1048 The Mantis Catches the Cicada Oriole Behind

Chapter 1048 The Mantis Catches the Cicada Oriole Behind
And just when the two were on the verge of breaking out, Ye Qianyue took a step forward and shouted in a cold voice, "Stop it!"

"Shi Qi, don't mess around, come back quickly, this longan will be handed over to Mr. Beigong for safekeeping." You can't say that this longan is fake in front of Beigong Xiyan, Ye Qianyue can only be cold Looking at Shi Qi, then sneered at him.

His eyes widened, and Shi Qi exploded completely, "Girl, you, you actually want to hand over the longan to this old thing for safekeeping? Did you make a mistake, what happened to you?!"

Ye Qianyue is not a talkative person, once she decides what she wants to get, she can't let go of whatever she says, but what happened to Ye Qianyue today, she retreated without a fight, it is simply strange.

"I already have a longan here. As for this one, it was supposed to be kept by the Beigong family. Since we want to cooperate with the Beigong family, the rules should not be messed up." Knowing that Killing Seven is also for himself Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue softened her tone, "Okay, I know what you're thinking, so just listen to me."

Seeing that Ye Qianyue's words were all about this, although Shi Qi was unhappy with hundreds of people, he couldn't bear to make it difficult for Ye Qianyue, so he gave Bei Gong Xiyan a hard look, and then honestly She returned to Ye Qianyue's side.

Seeing that Beigong Xiyan was still looking at her with a wary face, Ye Qianyue also looked at him, and then said with a smile, "The people on our side didn't understand the rules just now, and I hope the old Mr. Beigong will not be offended. "

"As long as you give me this longan, then I naturally have nothing to be angry about." Bei Gong Xiyan was full of longan at this time, and had no mind to care about other things at all.

"This is natural. Mr. Beigong, please. It is reasonable for each of us to have one longan." Ye Qianyue would not bother to compete with Beigong Xiyan for a fake longan. Open, it looks very generous.

Normally, Bei Gong Xiyan would have doubted how Ye Qianyue suddenly became so eloquent at this time, but at this moment he was already dazzled by desire and couldn't control anything. He flew into the air, and with an excited smile on his face, he directly took off the fake longan!

Not knowing that this longan was fake, Bei Gong Xiyan was extremely excited, and those eyes were full of intense excitement!
Here we go!His long-awaited longan finally arrived!
Just thinking of this is extremely exciting, Bei Gong Xiyan feels the pure power seeping from the longan, and the whole person looks extremely excited.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't hide the ecstasy that was throbbing in his eyes, Bei Gong Xiyan hadn't been this excited for a long time!
Finally got it!In this way, he is one step closer to the Tomb of the God of Heaven!
Seeing the excited look on Bei Gong Xiyan's face, Ye Qianyue just raised the corners of her lips indifferently.

This is called the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole. This Bei Gong Xiyan might have thought he was playing tricks on him, but he didn't know that he was the one who got tricked the most!
Qi Che obviously knew the inside story, and he said that Bei Gong Xiyan was using her. If that was the case, then Ye Qianyue would not talk about benevolence and justice with Bei Gong Xiyan.

 This is the end of today's update~ I hope you will support Fei'er's new article "Cute Little Evil Concubine: Black-bellied Emperor Uncle, Lightly Pet" Please collect and ask for tickets~!

(End of this chapter)

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