Chapter 1049 Really Keeps Its Words

Who knows what Ye Qianyue is thinking, Bei Gong Xiyan is still triumphant here, holding that fake longan and will not let go.

Seeing Beigong Caiyan's complacent look, Shi Qi was so angry that he kept gnashing his teeth. It seemed like he wanted to swallow Beigong Caiyan alive.

Seeing Shi Qi like this, Ye Qianyue had no choice but to secretly tug on Shi Qi.

Who knows, it's okay if you don't pull it. After a pull, Shi Qi became angry all of a sudden, staring at Ye Qianyue with great puzzlement, "Girl, you'd better give me a reasonable excuse." Yes, otherwise, my anger can't be appeased!"

"Now is not the time to explain." You can't just tell Shi Qi directly, Ye Qianyue moved towards Shi Qi's direction, "Shi Qi, you trust me."

"But, but the dragon balls were taken away by that old thing!" Killing Seven was still deeply annoyed.

"I told you to believe me, think about it, you have been with me for such a long time, when did I do something that was not good for me?" Ye Qianyue knew why Shi Qi was angry.

Killing Qi has been by her side all the time, just to let her help him rebuild a body.

And if you want to recreate your body, you need to enter the tomb of the gods to find a way, and the two longan eyes are used as the key, and Killing Seven naturally has to snatch it.

After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Shi Qi, who was originally angry, frowned deeply, and finally fell silent.

Yes, Shi Qi really trusted Ye Qianyue very much, and Shi Qi also knew that Ye Qianyue was not the kind of person who would give up Longan just to please the Beigong family.

Thinking of this, Shi Qi finally calmed down, and then glanced at Ye Qianyue.

Smiling and nodding to Kill Qi, Ye Qianyue obviously reassured Kill Qi.

If this is the case, then he won't say anything more, he believes that Ye Qianyue will never do anything stupid.

Thinking of this, Shi Qi took a deep breath and completely calmed down.

Seeing Shi Qi trusting herself so much, Ye Qianyue felt a little comforted in her heart, and then saw Bei Gong Xiyan over there with a smile on his face, and took the longan into his pocket like a rare treasure. In the ring, keep it carefully.

"Hahahahaha, Ms. Ye really keeps her word, I really admire it!" Bei Gong Xiyan got the longan, of course it feels good to see everything, and the smile on his face is even more slowly, Almost overflowing.

Faintly looking at Beigong's eclipse, this is a look of spring breeze, Ye Qianyue sneered in her heart, but also made a smile on her face, "I promised Mr. Beigong, and I will naturally do it. One thing, the old man can rest assured."

"Well, yes, this way I have the key to go to the tomb of the gods, and the next thing to do is to go to the tomb of the gods." Said, Bei Gongxiyan squinted at Ye Qianyue with a hint of calculation Squinting, "Miss Ye, since one of the longan is with you and the other is with me, why don't we continue to cooperate and go to the tomb of the gods?"

After hearing Bei Gong Xiyan's words, Ye Qianyue smiled apologetically, "I agree with Mr. Bei Gong's proposal, but I still have something to do."

 There will be an update this afternoon, remember to watch~~
(End of this chapter)

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