Chapter 1063 Betrayed my trust in you

After hearing Ye Qianyue's question, Beigong Huoyin's eyes narrowed slowly, and then a bright smile appeared on the corner of her lips, "It's just right that I'm not here, Ah Yue, come and accompany me."

"What do you mean?" Looking at Beigong Huoyin walking towards her in confusion, Ye Qianyue hadn't realized what Beigong Huoyin's words meant, but watched him raise his hand to greet her come.

Under the light, I saw a layer of golden powder condensed on the palm of Beigong Huoyin's hand. The powder gave off a refreshing fragrance, but it was precisely because of this fragrance that Ye Qianyue's face brightened instantly. Change!

This smell is the smell of drunken soul and fragrance!

Once inhaling the drunk..soul.fragrance, it is absolutely impossible to wake up without sleeping for three days and three nights!
Three days and three nights, this time does not sound like much, but it can change many things! !

A coldness flashed across Ye Qianyue's eyes, Ye Qianyue raised her hand fiercely, her thoughts were as sharp as a knife, and she cut off a few fiery red hairs at Beigong Huoyin's temples.

When her long hair fell to the ground, Ye Qianyue blocked Beigong Huyin, a trace of indifference danced in her dark eyes, "Beigong Huyin, don't disappoint my trust in you."

Ye Qianyue trusted Beigong Huoyin, that's why she told him this!

After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Beigong Huoyin's eyes changed for a moment, then she pursed her lips and said lightly, "I'm sorry, but I have no other choice."

Suddenly nervous, Ye Qianyue retreated quickly, but it was too late!

I saw Beigong Huoyin waved his hand lightly, and a jet of black smoke brought a scent of drunken soul and fell on Ye Qianyue's face.

Frowning deeply, Ye Qianyue's eyes quickly showed a hint of unwillingness, but she still couldn't resist the smell of Drunken Soul. Xiang, her body stiffened severely, and then her whole body seemed to be pumped by someone. As if he had lost all his strength, he fell into a soft sleep in an instant.

Steadily catching Ye Qianyue's fallen body, the smile that had always been on the corner of Beigong Huoyin's mouth disappeared completely at this moment.

Picking up Ye Qianyue, Beigong Huoyin directly tore open a space crack, and then walked in with Ye Qianyue.

And when Si Linyuan, who felt the spatial fluctuation, rushed back, the room was already empty!
The aura of the two people still remained, but both of them were gone!

A deep murderous intent quickly flashed out of the golden eyes, Si Linyuan looked around, and only found some residual aura.

gone!Ye Qianyue is gone!

His heart rose in an instant, Si Linyuan thought that Ye Qianyue might be in danger now, and his whole face quickly darkened!
Soon, he noticed that his forehead had reached the few strands of hair lying on the ground, and Si Linyuan's body erupted with a murderous aura that was almost terrifying!
"Beigong Huoyin, you and I are at odds!" Squeezing out such a sentence viciously, Si Linyuan instantly burned those long fiery red hairs into nothingness, then turned around, and immediately rushed out.


I don't know how long it has passed. When Ye Qianyue woke up, she felt as if all the strength in her body had been taken away, making her limp and unable to move.

(End of this chapter)

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