Chapter 1064 Let You Be Mine

Looking at the seemingly luxurious ceiling, Ye Qianyue felt that she seemed to be lying on a soft and comfortable big bed at the moment, which made her feel even more reluctant to move.

Even her consciousness is hazy, Ye Qianyue really wants to just indulge herself and continue to sleep.

The mind became more and more unclear, and Ye Qianyue's eyelids became heavier and heavier, and she was about to fall into sleep again.

And just when Ye Qianyue was about to lose consciousness, she clearly heard that the door of the room seemed to be pushed open by someone!
The sound of footsteps gradually approaching made Ye Qianyue quickly alert, and even bit the tip of her tongue hard, letting the sharp pain remind her that she could not continue to sleep!

And that person seemed to be completely unaware that Ye Qianyue had woken up, and he still walked over step by step, gradually approaching.

Closed her eyes vigilantly, Ye Qianyue smelled the smell of drunk...soul...fragrance in the air again.

It's Beigong Huoyin!
Even if she didn't open her eyes, Ye Qianyue could keenly sense that the person who gradually walked into her was Bei Gong Huo Yin!

A bit of killing intent suddenly filled her heart, Ye Qianyue was ready to compete with Beigong Huoyin!

This man has betrayed her trust, so they are no longer friends, but enemies!

However, the moment Ye Qianyue woke up, she clearly noticed that the power of thought in her body was not increasing. It must have been sealed, or because Beigong Huoyin had given her some medicine to make her unable to resist!
However, even so, Ye Qianyue will not give in easily.

It doesn't matter if she can't use her mind power, her abilities are not entirely supported by her mind power.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue's breath became a little bit colder.

But just when Ye Qianyue thought that Beigong Huoyin would come over to give her medicine, Beigong Huoyin stopped three steps away from the bed.

There was a little bit of light dancing in those blood-red eyes, Bei Gong Huo Yin seemed to have sensed something, and directly put away the drunk...hun.xiang in his hand.

Seemingly with a bit of helplessness, Beigong Huoyin seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and said softly, "Since you are already awake, don't continue to pretend to be asleep."

She didn't expect Beigong Huoyin's perception to be so keen, Ye Qianyue knew that even if she pretended like this, it was meaningless, so she simply opened her eyes.

There were bursts of indifferent light in the dark eyes, Ye Qianyue tried her best to support her tired and limp body and sat up, then looked at Beigong Huoyin vigilantly and indifferently, "Beigong Huoyin, what on earth are you trying to do?" .”

She originally thought that Beigong Huoyin was a companion and could be trusted, but she never thought that this Beigong Huoyin would betray her trust just like that.

Ye Qianyue is not a fool, she can trust Beigong Huoyin once, but the moment he betrayed her, Beigong Huoyin became her enemy, and Ye Qianyue has never given up on enemies. What a good face.

She is so jealous of evil and has a clear distinction between good and evil, since Beigong Huoyin doesn't want to be friends with her, then she doesn't mind just tearing her face away with Beigong Huoyin!
However, after hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Beigong Huoyin's bright red and soft thin lips curled up, "It's very simple, I want you to be mine."

(End of this chapter)

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