Chapter 1065 You're Crazy

One sentence was straightforward, Beigong Huoyin was neither blushing nor heartbeating, she simply used the three words 'shameless' to the fullest and just right.

Shameless, Ye Qianyue never knew that this Beigong Huoyin was so shameless!
"You're crazy." Looking at Beigong Huoyin's smiling face, Ye Qianyue squeezed out such a sentence coldly.

"Compared to being shameless, I want you to say that I am affectionate." Beigong Huoyin said, the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened a bit, "Aren't you hungry, I just prepared a meal, come and eat some together .”

"Let me get out of here." Ye Qianyue is not an idiot, she knows that without the power of thought, she is no match for Beigong Huoyin at all.

If she had been able to make a surprise attack on Beigong Huoyin just now, there was still a possibility, but now she was exposed by Beigong Huoyin before she could make a surprise attack, which meant that she no longer had such an opportunity.

"This place is very good. I have planned everything. You will definitely like it here." Naturally, Ye Qianyue would not just let Ye Qianyue leave like this. He raised his hand, "Let's go, you have slept for five days and five nights, it's time to eat something."

The effect of drunk..soul.fragrance is only three days and three nights. Beigong Huoyin originally thought that Ye Qianyue would wake up tomorrow, but today he wanted to add more drunk..soul.fragrance to make Ye Qianyue sleep longer Some, but they didn't expect Ye Qianyue to wake up so quickly.

Looking at Beigong Huoyin coldly, Ye Qianyue was very wary of him, and then got out of bed.

Her body was still weak, but Ye Qianyue had a stubborn face, she looked at Beigong Huoyin without admitting defeat, and tried her best to support her body.

Seeing Ye Qianyue's cold face, Beigong Huoyin's eyes trembled slightly, and then made a gesture of invitation.

Naturally, she would not be polite, Ye Qianyue strode towards the door.

It's not just giving in like that, Ye Qianyue needs to take care of her body first, and get familiar with the environment here before she can find a chance to escape here.

Since she wanted to escape, she had to find a perfect way, otherwise, if she failed, she was not sure what Beigong Huoyin would do.

If she were alone, Ye Qianyue would fight Beigong Huoyin directly, but now that she has her and Si Linyuan's child in her belly, she can't be reckless.

For her and Si Linyuan's child, she will endure, and she also believes that Si Linyuan will definitely come to find her!

Thinking, Ye Qianyue stared, stretched out her hand and opened the door.

Immediately, a burst of intoxicating floral fragrance rushed towards the face, but it was thick yet somewhat elegant and indifferent. Although it was strong, it was so just right that it would not be disgusting.

Feeling somewhat surprised, Ye Qianyue's eyes trembled slightly, and then looked at the fairyland on earth in front of her.

Green mountains and green waters, vast expanse.

There are a few groups of soft and white clouds floating in the blue sky, the sun is shining, and the breeze is coming slowly.

All kinds of flowers are blooming in full swing, and the gorgeous colors make people almost intoxicated.

Outside the door is a pure wooden corridor, and there is even a small bridge and flowing water not far away, coming slowly, the water flows through, and there is a pleasant sound.

Like a fairyland on earth, everything here is so perfect that people can't take their eyes off it.

 There will be an update in the afternoon~ This article will be finished in a few days. Babes can collect Feier's new book "The Cute Little Evil Concubine: Black-bellied Emperor Uncle, Lightly Pet" The article is refreshing and the quality of Feier's production Guaranteed, dear friends can rest assured to jump into the pit~!

(End of this chapter)

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