The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 1083 Helping Outsiders Instead

Chapter 1083 Helping Outsiders Instead
He had never encountered such a wound that could not be healed even after applying medicine. Bei Gong Xiyan widened his eyes in horror, and then watched the long sword sticking with invisible flames draw a gorgeous arc in the air. , and then fell into the hands of Ling Zhantian over there very smoothly.

Holding a long sword stained with invisible flames in his hand, Ling Zhantian's aura was tinged with arrogance, and he looked at Beigong Xiyan over there coldly, and asked in a contemptuous tone, "It's you who bullied me. my daughter?"

The incomparably cruel words contained a trace of strong disdain, which made the hairs on the back of the people stand up involuntarily.

He could only take out the medicine powder and cover his wound first, then glared at Ling Zhantian over there with bloodshot eyes.

Panting hard twice, Bei Gong Xiyan asked tremblingly, "Who are you?!"

"Ling Zhantian!" Ling Zhantian looked at Beigong Xiyan coldly, and his eyes narrowed even more recklessly.

"Ling Zhantian, today I must make you pay the price for provoking me!" With such a sentence forced out between the teeth, Bei Gong Xiyan took a deep breath, and then came from Such a sentence was forced through the gap between his teeth.

"Arrogance." Ling Zhantian snorted disdainfully at Beigong Xiyan's words, and pointed the sharp sword in his hand at Beigong Xiyan from the air.

"Old ancestor, why are you so angry? In the entire Beigong family, there are only a few patriarchs and those present. As for the others, they have already been subdued. I think the ancestor should not be stubborn." At this moment, Beigong Huoyin's bright red lips like petals evoked an intoxicating smile, slowly said a word, and the whole person walked in the door.

There is a touch of elegance all over her body. Beigong Huoyin is clearly in the smoke of gunpowder, but she is completely unaffected by everything around her. She is still so perfect, even with a faint look in her eyes. However, they are all magnificent.

"Patriarch?! Why are you standing with our enemy!" It was completely different from Beigong Xiyan's face that suddenly darkened. The deputy patriarch and other elders present had no idea that Beigong Huoyin would become Their enemies, at this moment, all had expressions of astonishment on their faces, and they shouted in disbelief.

"En? From my point of view, you are my enemy." Beigong Huoyin said casually with a slight smile on his face.

After hearing Beigong Huoyin's words, Beigong Xiyan snorted coldly, as if he had expected all of this and said, "I knew it, you are a bloody traitor, but speaking of it, you are the one who is really stupid , to do this for a woman who doesn't belong to you at all!"

Having said that, Beigong Xiyan looked at Beigong Huoyin with a hint of sarcasm in his eyes, "Beigong Huoyin, you are such a pathetic person that you are being used willingly."

"Whether it is Xiaoyue'er or the Beigong family who is using me, you should know better than me." Beigong Huoyin has been squeezed so much by the Beigong family for so many years, he has already had enough!
"Beigong Huoyin, if you use the surname Beigong, then you are a member of our Beigong family. How can you betray the family and help outsiders instead!"

(End of this chapter)

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