Chapter 1084 There Is Nothing Later
Seeing Beigong Huoyin's indifferent and calm face, one of the elders of the Beigong family snorted coldly, and then said through gritted teeth.

"Since this is the case, then at best I don't want the surname Beigong from today on." Beigong Huoyin spread her hands casually, and then curled up the corners of her lips coldly, "It's just a surname, I don't care at all, as for I don't even care about the interests of the Beigong family, as long as Xiaoyue'er is happy, then I have nothing to do with the existence of you people." Beigong Huoyin immediately disdained the words of the elders of the Beigong family Sneered at this sentence, and then raised the corners of his lips coldly, "I'm not afraid to tell you, I've been tired of this Beigong family for a long time, today I came here with Xiaoyue'er and the others, not for anything else, just to help Let's do more, so that we can completely wipe out your entire Beigong family."

"Traitor, you bloody traitor!" Seeing that Beigong Huoyin said it so directly, the deputy patriarch's nose was almost crooked, and he took two heavy breaths, and then forced out such a In a word.

Beigong Huoyin disagreed with this evaluation.

He is a casual person by nature, and the Beigong family is not his home at all.

However, if the members of the Beigong family are always honest, then he doesn't mind staying in the family for a while longer.

It's a pity that the members of the Beigong family are not greedy enough, they don't listen to his advice at all, and they still insist on attacking Ye Qianyue!

Beigong Huoyin can not care about other people and things, but Ye Qianyue is the only exception.

Not to mention that Beigong Huoyin has special feelings for Ye Qianyue, even if he didn't, he would definitely provoke someone like Ye Qianyue.

Beigong Huoyin knows Ye Qianyue too well. This woman is stubborn and aloof. She has always dared to love and hate. Once she has a grudge with her, she will definitely make that person be filled with fear until his death!
Such a woman is like the flower in the dark that exudes a sweet and poisonous fragrance, charming and dangerous at the same time.

So Beigong Huoyin chose Ye Qianyue instead of the Beigong family.

In his opinion, living is to find fun, and he can feel that staying by Ye Qianyue's side will bring him endless fun, as for the Beigong family, it doesn't matter.

Thinking of this, the smile on the corner of Beigong Huoyin's mouth looked a little more relaxed.

"Beigong Huoyin, you have to think about it, once you decide to betray our Beigong family, no matter where you escape to, I will find you out and put you to death!" Beigong Eclipse There was a tinge of coldness in Yan's words, he stared straight at Beigong Huoyin over there, and then said this sinisterly.

"It's okay, because you will be killed by us today, and there is nothing left to do." Huang Beiyan stepped forward, protecting the pregnant Ye Qianyue behind him.

Qi Che and Mingxiu also walked in at this moment, their eyes filled with the same strong murderous intent.

A dignified atmosphere suddenly spread out, and everyone's body was covered with a layer of strong murderous aura that almost solidified.

There was silence in the entire hall, and everyone was staring at each other vigilantly, not daring to be careless, for fear that if they were careless, they would kill themselves!

 There will be an update in a while~ Please ask for a ticket and a reward, please~
(End of this chapter)

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