Chapter 1086 Unable to resist? !
It was completely unexpected that Qi Che and Mingxiu were ambushing here. Bei Gong Xiyan had no power to resist for a while, and his whole body was directly blown away by the powerful impact!

"Old ancestor!" Never thought that Beigong Xiyan would be blown away at all, the deputy patriarch of the Beigong family and others were shocked, and immediately nervously walked towards the direction of Beigong Xiyan .

"Where are you going?" At this moment, Ye Qianyue's voice seemed to have a pleasant melody, which made people tremble, and turned her head to look at her in horror.

The flaming red and golden Phoenix Soul Fire danced with dazzling light, and the gorgeous color had the effect of almost burning people's souls, causing the deputy patriarch's throat to let out a scream, and then Jin panicked. Watching the fiery red phoenix soul fire falling on his body.

Immediately, a burst of strong scorched smell swept over, and then like a brand mark, it fell fiercely on the deputy patriarch's body.

"Ah!!" There was a sharp scream from the throat, and the deputy patriarch rolled on the ground frantically, but he was completely unable to extinguish the Phoenix Soul Fire on his body.

Seeing the deputy patriarch's frantic struggle, Ye Qianyue's eyes flickered with murder.

The Phoenix Soul Fire is her flame, as long as it is not an order from her personally, then no one can try to extinguish this ferocious flame.

Seeing that the equally strong deputy patriarch was burned into a human-shaped fireball without any power to fight back, the other elders present were covered in cold sweat, and their bodies began to tremble crazily.

Soon, the deputy patriarch was burned into nothingness amidst his screams.

The gray-white ashes flew up gently, causing a trace of eerieness, causing the other elders present to widen their eyes in horror.

Just like that!The deputy patriarch of the Beigong family who was far more powerful than them was eliminated so easily!
And just when these elders were greatly frightened, Ye Qianyue was a little more arrogant, and then coldly swept towards the elders over there.

"Next, it's your turn." Ye Qianyue's soft words immediately made the elders even more frightened, and then they stomped on the ground fiercely regardless, and rushed towards Ye Qianyue in unison !
Seeing these elders rushing over desperately, Ye Qianyue just raised the corners of her lips coldly.

In her opinion, the weak are the weak, even if they are hugged together, this fact will not change in any way.

Looking at Ye Qianyue's unruly face, the elders didn't even have the chance to get close to Ye Qianyue, a group of fiery red and golden flames appeared in their hearts with a muffled 'poof'.

Although it was only the size of a fingertip, the scorching temperature instantly dried up the moisture contained in their skin and flesh, leaving them no time to react at all. Their eyes widened instantly, and they looked over there in disbelief. Ye Qianyue.

Knowing that the flames were caused by Ye Qianyue, the elders frantically stimulated the mind power in their bodies, frantically trying to suppress the phoenix soul fire that ran wild in their bodies.

However, the phoenix soul fire was not afraid of the thought power of these elders at all, instead it transformed the thought power of the elders into energy and devoured it, and then became more and more hot!
(End of this chapter)

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