Chapter 1087 One after another

The heart couldn't bear such a high load almost instantly. Those elders felt the pain from the heart being burnt instantly, and their bodies turned a strange red color, and then they died with complete panic. He widened his eyes and looked at Ye Qianyue in horror.

The internal organs were quickly burned into nothingness, and those elders could not be Ye Qianyue's opponents at all, and soon died one after another.

After finishing those elders, the expression on Ye Qianyue's face didn't change much, her dark eyes faintly showed bursts of coldness, and then she frowned and looked at Beigong Xiyan over there.

Naturally, it is impossible to solve Beigong Xiyan so easily like Ye Qianyue solved those elders.

Although Qi Che and Mingxiu's two punches just now had dealt a certain blow to Bei Gong Xiyan, but it was far from easy to knock him down.

There was a complete fight, and the two fire dragons around Si Linyuan rushed out with crazy roars, and then tightly bound Bei Gong Xiyan!
"Hmm...!" The strong burning sensation made Bei Gong Xiyan's throat suddenly let out a suppressed low moan, and then crazily stimulated the thought power in his body, and immediately shattered one of the golden dragons.

Seeing that there was another fire dragon tightly restraining Beigong Xiyan, Beigong Huoyin punched Beigong Xiyan hard on the face.

Two teeth were directly shattered, Bei Gong Xiyan endured the severe pain, and at the moment when he was in a trance, he suddenly felt a bloodthirsty murderous aura.

Trembling almost subconsciously, Bei Gong Xiyan's eagle-like eyes slashed two fiercely, and then watched Ling Zhantian vigorously swing the long sword in his hand, and heavily aimed at his shoulder. cut down!

If it was really cut like this, then Beigong Xiyan would definitely be cut in half by this fierce long sword!

Absolutely will not let such a thing happen, bursts of black hot smoke suddenly gushed out from Bei Gong Xiyan's body, and then like an armor, it firmly protected his shoulders.

Being able to feel the powerful force seeping out from the armor, Ling Zhantian narrowed his eyes fiercely, and exerted more force on his hands.

Immediately, there were only a few crisp sounds of '咔咔咚', and fine cracks appeared on the pitch-black armor, but it was still a little short of the last before it could shatter!
Seeing this, Si Linyuan and the others were about to make a move, but they suddenly heard a 'whoosh', a sharp flaming feather arrow directly pierced through the air, instantly shattering the armor on Bei Gong Xiyan's body, and succeeded. pierced his flank!

A penetrating hole was directly exposed, Bei Gong Xiyan was startled, then saw Ling Zhantian snorted coldly, raised his hand and slammed down a sword!
Immediately, there was a muffled sound, and a clear wound was cut on Bei Gong Xiyan's shoulder, blood spattered out, and was instantly baked into nothingness by the invisible flame!
"Ahhh!!" The pain of being pierced through the flank was enough torment, let alone the sharp long sword in Ling Zhantian's hand!
Absolutely can't just die here, Bei Gong Xiyan didn't even think about it, he raised his palm fiercely, and then stamped it firmly on Ling Zhantian's chest.

(End of this chapter)

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