Chapter 1088 Where to go!
The powerful energy was like a heavy hammer, and it hit Ling Zhantian's body fiercely, making his face stiff for a moment, and then he took two steps back in an instant, and pulled Bei Zhantian away in an instant. The distance between uterine erosions.

They all panted heavily, and Bei Gong Xiyan obviously knew that he was no match for everyone, so he retreated fiercely, and bursts of sharp dull pain came from the wounds on his side and shoulders.

"Ahem!" The corner of his mouth spit out a mouthful of blood uncontrollably, Bei Gong Xiyan stared at Ye Qianyue and the others over there, his eagle-like eyes filled with thick bloodshot eyes.

Spit out a mouthful of blood fiercely, Bei Gong Xiyan's tone was cold, "You guys want to kill me, but it's not that easy!"

A bloodthirsty light flashed across his face, Bei Gong Xiyan didn't care that he was bleeding profusely, he stretched out his palm and wiped a handful of blood on his wound.

Involving the wound on his shoulder, Bei Gong Xiyan showed a look of pain on his face, he clenched his teeth and tried hard not to let out any painful groans.

The bright red color of the blood is dazzling, Beibei Gongxiyan took a deep breath, and then suddenly raised his strength, and the whole body suddenly rolled out of pitch-black smoke. From a distance, the ordinary rolling cloud ink, with a hint of deepness in the thick , The viscous and thick force directly shook the air out of the black space cracks.

The trembling power of space slowly seeped out, and then rushed into Bei Gong Xiyan's palm together.

At this moment, the originally pitch-black flame slowly leaked a voluptuous blood red color, as if it was directly dyed by the blood from Bei Gong Xiyan's palm.

The faint hostility also came out of the bee pupa, and soon all the pitch-black smoke that shrouded Bei Gong Xiyan's body turned into a fiery red color.

A frenzied aura slowly seeped out, and under the fiery aura, blood-red flames burst out from the surrounding tables and chairs with a 'poof' sound.

The blazing flames seemed to be able to burn everything around into nothingness, and a gloomy chill suddenly shot up behind people's backs.

The blazing flames seem to be able to swallow everything in it, and instantly bake everything around them into nothingness.

The fiery red fire mist faintly made Ye Qianyue and the others feel a little danger, and then saw the fire mist slowly sweeping towards their direction like a big hand outstretched.

Where the fiery red fire mist passed, everything melted quietly, and then swept towards the direction where everyone was.

"Go, stay away from the fire fog here!" Beigong Huoyin's face darkened at first, and then said these words coldly.

Everyone could clearly feel the unusualness of the fire mist, and they nodded in unison at the moment, and then quickly retreated one by one.

"Where are you going!" However, Bei Gong Xiyan did not give everyone such an opportunity at all, and suddenly let out a fierce cold snort from his throat, and then fiercely approached in the direction where everyone was.

I saw your fire mist constantly tumbling, countless cold lights like crystals jumped out quickly, and then the light bloomed and exploded instantly!
(End of this chapter)

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