Chapter 1095

Qi Che gestured to the anklet on Ye Qianyue's feet, and then said very lightly, "This is something left by the gods, and it has the energy to break all dangers. If you really encounter any difficulties then , might as well use this anklet."

"I didn't expect you to prepare everything so early." Ye Qianyue looked at Qi Che, and asked with some puzzlement, "You knew that I would choose to enter the Heavenly God Palace." Tomb? And agree with your suggestion?"

"That's not true, but I always feel that you will be willing to try the method I suggested." Qi Che narrowed his eyes slightly, and then said this to Ye Qianyue with a smile.

Without going into this matter with Qi Che, since Ye Qianyue and the others have already decided to go to the Tomb of the Gods, they will set off immediately.

Now that the matter of the Beigong family has been resolved, everyone has nothing to hesitate about.

Going to the barren mountain again, Ye Qianyue and the others did not enter the tomb of the gods through the entrance they entered before, but were led into an underground passage by Qi Che.

Killing the Seventh is undoubtedly the most excited one among the crowd.

When he went to the Beigong family before, he couldn't go with him in order to cultivate his soul, but he was suffocated!
And this time when he came to the Tomb of the Gods, as long as everything goes well, he can have a new body and be resurrected successfully. This is more exciting to Kill Qi than anything else.

However, Shi Qi didn't know that the biggest reason Ye Qianyue entered the Tomb of the Gods this time was for him.

After the dark demon destroyed Shi Qi's body, Ye Qianyue promised to help him resurrect, but this resurrection is not a simple matter, except for the strange thing in the tomb of the god, I am afraid it is other There will be no way to resurrect humans anywhere in the world.

Knowing how much Shi Qi is looking forward to being resurrected again, Ye Qianyue will definitely do what she promised Shi Qi.

That's why she chose to come to the Tomb of the God without hesitation.

All the way forward, Ye Qianyue and the others took a very delicate path this time, just like a straight tomb passage leading to the deepest part.

The road is deep and long, and you can't see the edge from a distance. It obviously leads to the deepest part.

"Stop first." Without waiting for everyone to move forward, Qi Che stepped forward first, then directly took out a silver-white key from his arms, and walked to the side of the tomb passage.

They all looked at Qi Che over there with curious faces. Ye Qianyue and others watched Qi Che raise his hand, and then knocked on several bricks with different directions and positions.

I don't understand what Qi Che is doing at all, but Qi Che is a member of the god family, he will do this, there must be his reasons.

Quietly watching Qi Che's actions, everyone did not step forward to disturb, and then watched as Qi Che finally came to the relief on one side, and quietly turned a spherical relief on it.

Immediately, there was a 'click' sound, and the relief next to the ball split open, revealing a palm-sized hole, on which was a delicate keyhole.

Putting the key in his hand directly into the keyhole, Qi Che gently turned the key in his hand.

Suddenly, several muffled sounds came again.

(End of this chapter)

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