Chapter 1096 The Fate of Death

A few muffled sounds of "Ka Ka Ka" passed through quickly, leading to the deepest part of the tomb passage for a long time.

A crisp and pleasant sound came quickly, and then a secret door appeared in front of Ye Qianyue and the others.

There was a bit of surprise on the face, Ye Qianyue looked at the bursts of moving light emanating from the depths of the secret door, and looked at each other for a while, until Qi Che walked in first, and faced Ye Qianyue After a few people waved, everyone finally came to their senses, and then strode towards the secret door.

It is not as luxurious as the tomb passage outside. The tomb passage in front of me looks very ordinary. Although it is also magnificent, compared with the passage outside the door, it is inferior. far away.

"Let's go, we can avoid the dangers we don't need to meet by taking this road." Hearing Qi Che's words, Ye Qianyue and the others nodded quickly, and then continued to move forward with big strides.

Inside the secret door is a long and deep corridor, and everyone walked slowly, without any sense of danger.

The road that Qi Che led them on was naturally safe, and everyone knew this, and felt relieved for a while.

"Is there a lot of danger on that road just now?" Shi Qi was of course very curious when he came to a place like the Tomb of the Gods.

"Well, the danger on that road is not simple from the very beginning, unless it is a person with particularly strong strength, otherwise, the passage you walk on is simply the same as going directly to death." Qi Che said so , the face is also a bit more dignified, obviously, as he said, the tomb passage they passed just now is really tricky.

"On that passage, there are a total of 570 checkpoints, large and small. The big ones are comparable to the size of an adult, and the small ones are no bigger than the eye of a needle. It is simply harder than climbing to the sky to pass through there smoothly." Qi Che slowly Said.

"So if we can pass through the passage just now, then we have successfully reached the real tomb of the gods?" Beigong Huoyin assassin also asked slowly.

After glancing at Beigong Huoyin, Qi Che shook his head bluntly, "No, although the tomb passage is full of dangers, it does not lead to the real tomb of the Tomb of the Gods."

"Where does that lead?" Ye Qianyue looked at Qi Che curiously and asked.

"That tomb passage only leads to one place from the beginning to the end, and that is hell." After saying these words slowly, Qi Che saw that everyone stopped and looked at him. There seemed to be a touch of helplessness in Tao Hua's eyes, "You don't have to be so nervous, I'm taking you through a passage that only our gods know, as long as you pass through here, you can reach your destination soon. "

"Then what do you mean, the road we walked just now was a false passage from beginning to end?" Ye Qianyue looked at Qi Che and asked.

"Yeah, that passage was a bait from the beginning, so even if someone is lucky enough to escape all kinds of dangers on that passage, in the end, there is only a bigger and more terrifying danger waiting for him, regardless of that No matter how powerful people are, in the end, they still cannot escape the fate of death."

(End of this chapter)

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