Chapter 1098 Nothing
"We're here!" Shi Qi was undoubtedly the most excited one, at this moment his emerald eyes were full of strong desire, and he said softly.

"Let's go, there won't be any danger here for the time being." Qi Che also narrowed his eyes slightly, glanced forward, and then said to everyone.

Now they all regard Qi Che as one of their own completely, Ye Qianyue and others all nodded in unison at this moment, and then strode forward.

The speed was extremely fast, Ye Qianyue and the others quickly walked out of the light and shadow, and came to a huge sacred hall.

There was a thick and deep aura faintly in the hall, with a hint of gloomy and unruly aura faintly, which made the hairs on the back of the person tremble completely uncontrollably.

The palace in front of me faintly reveals an amazing and deep feeling, but it also faintly carries a trace of holiness and coldness, so that people can't help but marvel at it.

Everything around is just right. In the pure white space, there is a huge golden dragon entrenched at the top. At this moment, Ye Qianyue and the others have reached the original first underground palace.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue's eyes lightly scanned the surroundings, but soon discovered the abnormality.

No, this is not the real first underground palace.

Although everything around is so similar to the first underground palace, every piece of brick, every piece of carving is exactly the same, the golden dragon entrenched on the roof is also beating bursts of mighty and domineering light, and the eyes are empty, No longan.

If the only difference is that the surrounding doors are different from before.

They are divided into four gates, Suzaku, Qinglong, Xuanwu, and White Tiger, among which faintly revealed a dangerous atmosphere, which is completely different from the four empty rooms in the underground palace before!

"Where is this place?" Ye Qianyue looked around, then turned to look at Qi Che and asked.

After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Qi Che's mouth curled into a faint smile, "This is the real tomb of the gods."

"Then where is the first underground palace we went to?" Si Linyuan also quickly noticed the abnormality, and asked Qi Che who was looking over there.

"There is a fake tomb of the gods there, just like the previous tomb passage, it is also used to confuse you." Qi Che gently raised the corners of his lips, and said very slowly.

"No wonder the four rooms there are empty, without anything." Ye Qianyue said suddenly.

"Why do you people of the god clan like to play tricks so much?" Beigong Huoyin said after hearing Qi Che's words, glanced at him coldly.

"In order to prevent rogues like you from finding the real Tomb of the Gods, in the final analysis, it's always good to be vigilant." Hearing Beigong Huoyin's words, Qi Che said coldly, pursing his lips.

A hint of murderous intent quickly appeared in the blood-red eyes, Bei Gong Huo Yin is not a good-tempered person, and seeing that he took a step forward, he was about to argue with Qi Che.

He was also not someone to provoke, Qi Che saw Beigong Huoyin approaching him coldly, the expression on his face was also very cold, obviously he did not intend to give in.

And just when the tension between these two people was about to explode, Ye Qianyue took a step forward.

(End of this chapter)

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