Chapter 1099

Straight between the two, Ye Qianyue said helplessly, "You two, what time is it, why are you still thinking about fighting, stop now."

Seeing Ye Qianyue stand in front of them, Beigong Huoyin and the others naturally didn't care about it anymore, they just looked at each other coldly, as cold as their eyes should be .

It has been known for a long time that these two people are not harmonious, and Ye Qianyue will not let these two people get along particularly friendly. It is already very good that they do not fight each other like they are now.

Seeing that the two of them had calmed down, Ye Qianyue felt relieved, and ignored the two of them, and quickly looked at the golden dragon on the roof.

Really majestic, this golden dragon faintly exudes a bit of coercion, making people dare not underestimate it, almost uncontrollably wanting to kneel in front of it.

It was a kind of fear revealed from the bottom of his heart. This golden dragon was surrounded by a menacing dragon majesty, comparable to the aura of kings in Si Linyuan and others.

Looking at the golden dragon's empty eyes, Ye Qianyue pursed her lips, and immediately took out two huge round longan eyes from her scepter space.

The moment the longan was taken out, there was a certain change in the energy fluctuations between the heaven and the earth, and a depressive breath swept over quickly.

Almost feeling a deep dragon's power pressing down on her, Ye Qianyue raised her head and looked at the golden dragon with empty eyes. For a moment, she seemed to feel the golden dragon's affection for the two longan eyes in her hand. Thirst..begging.

That's right, it's what it's longing for. This majestic golden dragon has lost its longan for too long. At this moment, it can't wait to... beg for the two longan eyes in Ye Qianyue's hand.

Faintly feeling the evil spirit coming from the golden dragon, Ye Qianyue frowned slightly, "Just give the longan to the golden dragon like this?" She always felt that it was really inappropriate to just give the longan to the golden dragon like this.

"Of course you can't just hand it over to the golden dragon." Si Linyuan said, looking at Qi Che, "I remember you said, let Ah Yue subdue this golden dragon, but this golden dragon belongs to the dragon family. He must be very arrogant, I'm afraid he won't be so obedient."

"You're right. This golden dragon was originally the ancestor of our Celestial Clan, that is, the natal beast tamed by the Celestial God himself. It's just that this natal beast, the Heavenly Golden Dragon, is also well-known among the Dragon Clan. It is arrogant by nature. When the ancestor of the god of heaven was dying, he even wanted to kill the ancestor of the god of heaven, so the ancestor of the god of heaven got angry and directly dug out the eyes of this evil person, trapped it here, and let it help protect the blood treasure of the god of heaven."

"So, the relationship between the Heavenly Golden Dragon and your Celestial Clan is very bad." Mingxiu looked at the mighty Heavenly Golden Dragon, and slowly narrowed his golden eyes, "I can feel it. I think that if we return this pair of longan eyes to it, not only will the Golden Dragon not be grateful to us, but it may eat us in a fit of anger, and then leave with the Heavenly Blood Treasure."

"Indeed, this day's golden dragon is cruel by nature, and it is very possible to do such a thing." Qi Che also slightly squinted his eyes, looking at that day's golden dragon, "So, we must preemptively strike."

(End of this chapter)

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