The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 115 You just go to play the floor

Chapter 115 You just go to play the floor

Seeing Ye Qianyue's dizzy look, Si Linyuan's gilt eyes stared at her, and the deep light in them kept beating, covering up the admiration in the deepest part of his eyes.

Seeing Ye Qianyue's appearance when refining medicine today, Si Linyuan finally knew what kind of person this little thing in front of him was.

The aloofness carries the same coldness as him, but it is so stubborn and unyielding.

I have never seen a person who has just entered the first rank can directly enter the second rank, but no matter how doubtful Si Linyuan is, he has to believe his own eyes.

Although several pieces of precious medicinal materials were lost, Ye Qianyue still gritted her teeth and refined the swift potion when her spiritual power was almost exhausted!

I still remember Gu Rong's surprised look at that time, although Si Linyuan didn't show it, he was equally surprised.

"Hmm..." At this moment, Ye Qianyue turned over slightly on the bed. Although there was no expression on her beautiful face, it was still so beautiful that it made people tremble.

Standing beside Ye Qianyue, Si Linyuan was the first to bear the brunt, his heart trembled slightly, as if being gently scratched by a kitten's paw, which could not be ignored.

He raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, and Si Linyuan was even more surprised that he didn't hate this feeling.

There was a smile on the corner of his lips that he didn't even notice, Si Linyuan looked around, and the corners of his lips that were slightly raised quickly sank.

There was even a tinge of frost on his handsome face, Si Linyuan looked at Ye Qianyue who was occupying the only bed, and narrowed his eyes coldly.

The dormitory is not big, and it is even impossible to set up another soft couch. In addition, Ye Qianyue is already tired today, and there is no time to find a suitable place for him to rest.

As for Qing Lan next door, she had already returned early and fell into a deep sleep at this moment.

There were no two beds for them to share today, Si Linyuan looked at Ye Qianyue, who was sleeping well, and hesitated.

Just when Si Linyuan was struggling to figure out how to throw Ye Qianyue out, Ye Qianyue on the bed also seemed to have sensed his malicious intentions, her eyelashes quivered slightly, and suddenly opened those eyes.

"You don't sleep most of the night, what are you doing in front of me?" Ye Qianyue frowned slightly as she looked at the tall and burly Si Linyuan.

"I have no place to sleep." As he said that, Si Linyuan glanced at her coldly, and said as a matter of course, "You, come down."

"Look how beautiful you are, there is no place for you in this room!" Looking at Si Linyuan with disgust, Ye Qianyue rolled up the quilt on her body, turned to face the bed, "I remember there were extra quilts in the closet, You go to lay the floor."

A big man, although not rough-skinned, but it is not a problem to lay a bed on the floor for a few days.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue closed her eyes in peace.

Seeing that the little girl Ye Qianyue said she was going to sleep and continued to sleep, Si Linyuan's eyes were as cold as a thousand years of ice, as if he wanted to directly poke two holes in Ye Qianyue's body.

But Ye Qianyue was so tired that she didn't have the energy to worry about what Si Linyuan was doing.

Seeing that she was about to fall asleep in a daze, Ye Qianyue felt that the side of the bed suddenly sank, and Si Linyuan's attractive body was already lying beside her, and she even pulled her body cheekily Half of the quilt slowly covered her body.

(End of this chapter)

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