Chapter 116 What a Duplicity Woman
"Your face is made of the city wall, right? Why is it so thick?" The face and tone were equally gloomy, and Ye Qianyue's dark eyes showed a hint of impatience, "Si Linyuan, get out of here, or be careful what I do to you!" You're welcome!"

"Rather than sleeping on the ground, I'd rather spend the night with you." While speaking, Si Linyuan cast a proud look at Ye Qianyue, "You are the first one who can sleep with me on the same bed." Ladies on the bed, you should be honored."

"If being shameless can live long, then you must be the longest-lived person." Gritting her teeth and staring at Si Linyuan with a relaxed face, Ye Qianyue pushed Si Linyuan hard a few times, but this guy was actually unshakable. No more face!
If Ye Qianyue had the energy at this moment, she would throw Si Linyuan off the bed no matter what she said, but at this moment, both her mental power and mental power were almost exhausted, and she didn't have the heart to argue with Si Linyuan at all.

But she was not willing to just give in like this, Ye Qianyue frowned and said, "You can just sleep like this if you want, but you have to let Xiao Hei out."

"Yes, but he can't sleep on the same bed as you." His domineering gaze locked on Ye Qianyue, and Si Linyuan's tone was lazily tinged with a hint of hoarseness in his low voice, but it was extraordinarily seductive , "You are my woman, no male other than me is qualified to sleep by your side."

Really exhausted, Ye Qianyue didn't even want to argue with the guy in front of her, she rolled her big eyes, closed her eyes and continued to sleep.

Seeing that Ye Qianyue had just closed her eyes and was breathing steadily, Si Linyuan looked carefully at her sleeping face and then closed her eyes.

There was no dream all night, Ye Qianyue's biological clock was very accurate, and she woke up early the next morning.

As soon as she opened her eyes, Ye Qianyue instantly met the handsome face in front of her eyes!
There was a three-point natural evil charm in his handsomeness, and the sleeping Si Linyuan lost a little of his usual cold arrogance and a little more indifference and laziness.

Although the breath is no longer that harsh, but good-looking people are good-looking no matter what, so Ye Qianyue couldn't help but take a second look.

With just a few extra glances, Si Linyuan woke up right after him.

"Am I still looking good?" There seemed to be a hint of a smile, and Si Linyuan's voice didn't look like he had just woken up.

"Whether it looks good or not, get off the bed first."

"What a duplicity woman." Having said that, Si Linyuan got up, and calmly sat down on a chair beside her.

"Didn't you tell me to release Xiao Hei for me?" Ye Qianyue first rubbed her swollen head, then shook the ring on her finger at Si Linyuan.

But just when Ye Qianyue thought this way, Si Linyuan just raised his eyes lightly, and then a red light flashed on the ring, and a black shadow rushed out immediately.

"Meow!!" As soon as the cashier ring was alert, he rushed to the front of Ye Qianyue, Xiao Hei's hair was blown up, his body was arched high, and his golden eyes were full of killing intent.

It seemed as if he rushed up to fight Si Linyuan in the next second, but Si Linyuan had a calm face, and he didn't even look at Xiao Hei.

Enraged by Si Linyuan's indifferent indifference, Xiao Hei let out a low growl that almost changed his tone, and was about to rush towards Si Linyuan.

 ~~~~(>_<)~~~~ Today's update is late, Feier apologizes to all readers.

  Continue to ask for tickets and rewards, love you guys

(End of this chapter)

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