Chapter 117 You must live in peace

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Not wanting to hurt Xiao Hei again, Ye Qianyue quickly hugged it in her arms, "Xiao Hei, don't be angry."

"Meow..." Held in Ye Qianyue's arms, the killing intent in Xiao Hei's eyes disappeared instantly, and instead he called out to Ye Qianyue with a worried face.

It's not that Ye Qianyue doesn't know how scary Si Linyuan is. According to her cautious character, how could she be willing to put such a time bomb by her side?

"For some reason, I have to heal his injuries, so before sending him away, you all have to live in peace, understand?"

After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Xiao Hei and Si Linyuan, that cold and arrogant guy, looked at each other, and turned their heads to snort coldly.

Instantly amused by Xiao Hei, Ye Qianyue stroked Xiao Hei's soft hair, and then watched the gray-white scepter fly out.

As excited as she was when she first saw it, Ye Qianyue thought for a while, then stretched out her hand out of nowhere, and grabbed the scepter.

I just felt a coolness entering her body along the scepter. Ye Qianyue's temples tingled first, and then the coolness felt like a ray of clear spring passing through her body, which made her feel extremely comfortable .

Seeing the cumbersome patterns carved all over the scepter, Ye Qianyue tilted her head curiously, "This scepter is really not an ordinary thing."

"Things left over from ancient times are certainly not ordinary." Si Linyuan continued calmly, "Bake this scepter with flames. The higher the temperature, the better."

Hearing this, Ye Qianyue couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

Just this broken scepter still roasted with fire?She felt that a force in her hand could crush this thing directly...

Thinking this way in her heart, Ye Qianyue also knew that Si Linyuan was well-informed, so she mobilized her thoughts and wrapped the entire scepter in fiery flames.

However, the flame seemed to be blocked, it could only surround the scepter, but could not directly stick to the scepter and bake it.

The grayish-white color on the surface also had a faint layer of fluorescent light, which blocked most of the blazing temperature of the flame.

"The temperature is not enough, continue." Si Linyuan raised his eyes lazily, and his voice was cold.

Seeing that there was a barrier-like protective layer around the scepter, Ye Qianyue's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

Barriers are definitely not something that ordinary strong people can display, and this scepter is clearly an ownerless thing but still has a barrier, which shows that it has a lot of background!

There was a touch of excitement in the dark eyes, Ye Qianyue didn't even think about it, the power of thought in her body gushed out crazily.

The temperature of the flames increased violently, and the blazing heat wave crazily roasted the moisture in the surrounding air.

After baking for half an hour, the light around the scepter gradually faded, and then it was wrapped in the blazing flame.

Focusing on urging the mind power in her body, Ye Qianyue watched the gray-white scepter change under the baking of the flame.

I saw the countless cracks around the scepter gradually repaired, and the gray-white color all over the body also quickly disappeared, turning into a silver-white color.

The silver-white scepter in the flames is constantly emitting bursts of dazzling light, and even the top fire spar is beating bursts of fiery red light, which looks very gorgeous.

(End of this chapter)

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