The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 148 Our temple must be grateful

Chapter 148 Our temple must be grateful
After subduing everything, Ye Qianyue also understood the matter of Huo Qilin at the moment of sympathy.

After her mother was hunted and killed by the temple, Huo Qilin was always unwilling to become Yunina's natal beast, which caused Yunina to be furious and beat it hard, and then continued to abuse it, forcing it to run out .

Knowing Younina's true colors, Ye Qianyue will naturally not set Fire Qilin back.

But the contract signed by the animal trainer can be easily canceled without any loss, and the people in the temple must know this.

Thinking about it, Ye Qianyue's dark eyes glowed with a cold light.

"Even if I become a beast trainer now, these people may not be able to let me go easily..." Ye Qianyue wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and looked coldly at the corner of her mouth after saying this in a voice that she could only hear. Many masters of the temple.

"Miss, that fire unicorn belongs to our lord goddess. As long as the lady is willing to return it to us, our temple will be grateful." One of the leaders said this immediately.

"Aww, aww!!" The fur all over his body exploded in anger, and Huo Qilin bared his teeth, apparently unwilling to go back.

"The name of your goddess is not written on this fire unicorn, and now it has been contracted by me, and it is my monster."

After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, everyone present looked at her together.

Seeing that the berserk Fire Qilin finally calmed down, the people around were all relieved.

The surrounding area was in a mess, and many people who had been injured by the fire unicorn were still lying on the ground moaning.

But all eyes were on Ye Qianyue, deeply shocked.

"My God, she actually tamed the Fire Qilin!"

"Beast trainer! That girl is actually a beast trainer!"

"It's incredible, who is she? Is she from our Maple Blue Empire?"


More and more people surrounded Ye Qianyue, and the voices of comments were like the tide.

The beast trainer is the most powerful existence on this continent!It is also the rarest existence. Generally speaking, an animal trainer must first choose a strong person with a very strong mind force, and then have an absolutely amazing spiritual talent, so that it is possible to become an animal trainer.

And Ye Qianyue didn't know that she had the potential to be a beast tamer at all, and it was a complete accident that she was able to tame the Fire Qilin beast today.

However, this accident is a good thing. If she can really become a powerful animal trainer, then the road ahead will be even easier.

Thinking of this, a flash of light flashed across Ye Qianyue's black eyes, and she bent down and hugged the Fire Qilin beast that was rubbing against her trouser legs.

This fire unicorn stimulated her potential, and it can be regarded as a kindness to her. Since she has been kind, she will not let the fire unicorn go back to a place like the temple.

They all saw Ye Qianyue tame Huo Qilin with their own eyes, and the people in the temple that surrounded her did not act rashly, as if they were afraid of Ye Qianyue.

Just when Ye Qianyue was about to let them make way, the crowd suddenly made way for them.

Surrounded by several maids in white skirts, a girl in Chinese clothes and purple clothes slowly walked in front of Ye Qianyue.

"Your Highness Goddess..." The common people around saw the purple-clothed girl, shouted in unison, and then fell to their knees, with reverent and solemn expressions.

(End of this chapter)

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