Chapter 149 I Need to Thank You Well

Wearing a gorgeous purple floor-length dress, with a delicate hair bun, the girl's face is covered with a lavender veil, revealing only a pair of crystal clear eyes like ice and snow.

Her whole body exuded a gentle aura, as if she was really a messenger from the gods, and the girl's eyes contained a touch of compassion.

But Ye Qianyue didn't like the so-called goddess in front of her. She could see the coldness and disdain hidden in the girl's eyes at a glance.

Such a woman, according to the words recorded in her database, is a big white lotus!
Turning a blind eye to the people around who saluted her, the goddess looked straight at Ye Qianyue who was standing straight, and asked in a soft and gentle voice, "You tamed the fire unicorn?"

"En." Ye Qianyue nodded lightly, her attitude was still neither utter nor humble.

Seeing Ye Qianyue admitting in this way, a coldness flashed across the eyes of the goddess, which was so fleeting that it was too fast to catch.

"It seems that you are a beast tamer, today. You tamed the runaway fire unicorn and protected the people. You have done a good deed for the temple. I have to thank you very much." Smiling, the goddess said softly.

It seemed that Ye Qianyue was not angry at all because Ye Qianyue had subdued the fire unicorn, the lord goddess showed a look of rejoicing while speaking.

Looking at it this way, she really is a kind, gentle and kind Goddess Highness, but Younina doesn't know that the coldness in her eyes just now cannot escape Ye Qianyue's eyes!

I never liked to deal with such hypocritical people. Ye Qianyue, under the envious gazes around her, her expression was still as calm as water, and her tone was also Gujing Wubo, "Goddess, you are welcome, and the fire unicorn beast is also destined for me. Let's stop here, I still have something to do, so let's go first."

Not mentioning the matter of returning the Huo Qilin at all, Ye Qianyue knew that this dignified Goddess would not care about her.

In the eyes of everyone, she was a hero who rescued many people in time, and Younina would be really stupid if she cared about her at this time.

After speaking, Ye Qianyue turned around and walked out of the crowd.

Looking at the back of Ye Qianyue striding away, a maid standing on the left side of the goddess was about to chase her back when she saw the goddess raising her hand.

"Stop chasing her, and check her identity." The goddess said in a calm tone, and then turned and left without looking at the people kneeling on the ground around her.

"Master Goddess is so kind, such a precious beast, you actually gave it away as soon as you said it would be given away."

"It's not because of that Miss Beast Trainer's ability, Goddess naturally has to thank her!"

"Sure enough, the Goddess is the kindest person. We are really blessed to have the protection of the temple!"


Sitting on the gorgeous sedan chair, Yunina didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, and went directly back to the temple branch in the imperial capital.

After going back, she took a shower and changed her clothes. After Younina changed into a silver-blue robe, she lay lazily on the couch.

With a hint of anger in her slender eyes like ice and snow, Younina took the fine wine from the maid and took a sip, "How is the investigation going?"

"Goddess, today's woman is called Ye Qianyue, and she is the lady of Ye Kingdom's family in the empire on which the sun never sets." The maid on the side also knelt down on the ground after receiving the news.

(End of this chapter)

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