Chapter 150 Draw her into my camp
"The empire on which the sun never sets? Why haven't I heard of any animal trainers there?" There was a hint of coldness in the laziness of her voice. Younina had always paid attention to the movements of the animal trainers, but she had never heard of them. The name of Qianyue who stayed overnight.

"Goddess, this Ye Qianyue seems to have inspired the qualifications of a beast trainer only today, and she is also a pharmacist of at least the third rank."

"What, at least rank three?!" Even Younina couldn't help being stunned with such concentration, "She was only fourteen or five years old, how could she have such strong spiritual power!"

Seeing Younina getting angry, the maid trembled in fright, "I dare not lie to the Goddess, this Ye Qianyue is already a mid-level Nianling, and her story is rumored in the Empire on which the sun never sets, so it is true." Strange, this Ye Qianyue was originally a useless waste, but suddenly became stronger for some reason, and even resigned from her marriage with the crown prince of the Empire on which the sun never sets, in short, she is a very powerful woman!"

"You're so young, it's amazing!" After hearing so much, Younina's expression quickly became serious.

At such a young age, not to mention an intermediate Nian Ling, he is actually a pharmacist!Today, there is an additional identity as a beast trainer. Where did this Ye Qianyue come from? This terrifying strength is even scarier than her back then!
Seeing Younina stopped talking, the maid asked cautiously, "Master Goddess, why did we let her go today? The contract between the beast trainer and the beast can be cancelled. Besides, the fire unicorn should have It's yours."

"Idiot, if I snatch the fire unicorn back by force, what will the onlookers think of me? I haven't been elected as the high priest, and now is the most important time to maintain my image, otherwise that damn son of God will definitely kill me Step on your feet!" With such a cold reprimand, the goddess took a sip of wine, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of her lips, "Besides, if the fire unicorn can win that Ye Qianyue over, then why should I Take it back by force."

"Master Goddess means...?"

"That Ye Qianyue is definitely not that simple. Although the fire unicorn is just a cub, it is still a sixth-order monster, and there is room for expansion in the future, but that Ye Qianyue actually said that signing a contract can be signed, which shows her How huge is the power of the spirit? If I can draw her into my camp, then she will definitely become a great help to me. At that time, even the Son of God will not be able to compete with me!"

After a pause, Younina's eyes narrowed sharply, "Not to mention, she is a pharmacist. How can I not win over such a genius?"

"But Lord Goddess, that Ye Qianyue has always been arrogant and might not be willing to serve Her Lady Goddess. If she refuses, what should I do then?" the maid looked at Younina and asked cautiously.

After hearing what the maid said, Younina didn't answer right away, but just gave a soft snort.

"If I can't use it for me, such a genius will crawl into my head sooner or later, and it will be difficult to handle at that time, so if she refuses, I will make her a useless person forever. Can't be used by others!" At the end, Yunina's eyes showed a cold killing intent, "Okay, let's go down, remember to send someone to keep an eye on that Ye Qianyue."

"Your servant obeys." The maid finally breathed a sigh of relief and quickly retreated.

 There will be an update later~~~Please ask for a ticket, please give a reward, please leave a message~~
(End of this chapter)

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