The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 181 Don't Know What's Good or Bad

Chapter 181 Don't Know What's Good or Bad
There was a cold smile in the dark eyes, but Ye Qianyue was not at all happy in her heart.

Although the smile on Yunina's face was perfect, she could still see the disgusting calculation in Yunina's eyes.

Ye Qianyue was really disgusted by such a woman who seemed to want to take advantage of everything she had.

Seeing the goddess Younina, Ye Qianyue could guess what kind of place that temple was.

She didn't want to go to the temple, and she didn't bother to go.

"How could it be? Or, Qianyue, don't you like me?" Frowning, Younina asked hypocritically.

"Of course not." Knowing that she couldn't offend Younina face to face, although Ye Qianyue had some strength now, she couldn't compete with the temple.

The temple was so powerful that even the king of the empire would not dare to provoke it. She didn't have the strength to move such a colossus.

"That would be great! Come on, bring your things up quickly." After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Younina immediately showed a happy smile.

The attendants outside the door quickly brought up two boxes of jewelry, two boxes of gold coins, and a whole box of precious medicinal materials. They were neatly placed on the ground, and they were extremely valuable.

"Master Goddess, what do you mean?" Already guessing Yunina's meaning, Ye Qianyue stared at her.

"Qianyue, this is just my wish. If you don't accept it, I won't be able to say the next thing." Seeing that Ye Qianyue didn't speak, Younina continued on her own, "Actually , I want you Qianyue to go back to the temple with me."

"Master Goddess, do you want me to be your maid?" Ye Qianyue narrowed her eyes sharply after interrupting Younina's next words, "Master Goddess told me that she wanted to treat me as a friend, but she made me Did this friend follow the goddess to serve the goddess after entering the temple?"

"Ye Qianyue, it's your blessing to be able to serve the Goddess, don't be ignorant!" The maid at the side shouted angrily after hearing Ye Qianyue's words.

Naturally, these maids didn't know Younina's real face, and all of them regarded her as a fairy in the sky. At this moment, after hearing Ye Qianyue's words, they scolded angrily like a kitten whose tail was trampled on.

"Master Goddess said that she is my friend, so what can't be said between friends? What's more, you are just a maid, and you are so rude to a friend of Goddess, it is simply presumptuous!" , Ye Qianyue looked at Younina in confusion, "Master Goddess, it seems that the people around you don't regard me as your friend. If you are like this, I will really be sad."

Showing an aggrieved expression, Ye Qianyue's eyes flashed a gloomy cold light.

She wants to see what tricks this Younina can play!

"How could it be? It's all my fault. I failed to teach the people around me well." Seeing Ye Qianyue's expression, Younina froze and explained with a smile.

Immediately, Younina turned her head to look at the maid, with a bloodthirsty murderous intent in her eyes.

She was just a lowly maid who almost ruined her good deed!

Trembling with fright, the maid hurriedly knelt down, "Master Goddess, please forgive me, it's all bad for slaves, please forgive me, Lord Goddess!"

(End of this chapter)

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