The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 182 Do you want me to enter the temple?

Chapter 182 Do you want me to enter the temple?

"Hmph, I regard Qianyue as my friend, you are so unreasonable to her, are you deliberately trying to slap me in the face! How can someone like you be tolerated by my side! Come on, drag me out!" Leng Bingbing After scolding so loudly, Yunina smiled and turned her head to look at Ye Qianyue, "Qianyue, it's all my fault, why don't you go to the temple with me, I have excellent skills and prescriptions, yes Your future cultivation will be of great help, and it should be your compensation."

Every word was full of sincerity, if Ye Qianyue hadn't seen the cold light in Younina's eyes clearly, she would really have believed her words.

"I never thought that Goddess, who is always kind and merciful, would punish the goddess around me so severely." With her dark eyes narrowed sharply, Ye Qianyue stared at Younina quietly.

For a moment, I felt as if I was going to be seen through by Ye Qianyue, and the hairs on Yunina's back stood up, "Qianyue, I did this because I valued you, don't you want to follow me to the temple? "

Seeing that Younina finally got to the point, Ye Qianyue showed a look of surprise on purpose, "What does Goddess mean, do you want me to enter the temple?"

Seeing that Ye Qianyue finally reacted, Yunina was too happy to be happy, and naturally she would not see the sneer in Ye Qianyue's eyes, "Of course, Qianyue, this is something that others can't ask for, but I I like you, so I made a special case for you, would you like it?"

"Of course I would, but I'm still studying at Imperial College, so it's not good to leave like this. It's better to wait for me to serve Goddess after I graduate." Now I am far from the opponent of the temple. Qianyue couldn't show dissatisfaction, she could only postpone it.

What's more, for the Fire Dragon Crystal that Si Linyuan needs, she also has to go to the temple!
The fire dragon crystal is the supreme treasure of the temple, even if she got it now, it is impossible for her to escape the pursuit of the temple.

At least, we have to wait for Si Linyuan to come back.

Thinking of Si Linyuan, Ye Qianyue's heart beat faster, and even a ripple appeared in her eyes.

"Qianyue, there are not as many skills and prescriptions in the academy as there are in the temple. As long as you are willing, I will invite the best believers in the temple to teach you." Always thinking about bringing Ye Qianyue back to the temple immediately , Yunina didn't want to let Ye Qianyue go just like that.

"There are still things I haven't finished in the college. Besides, I have to go back and tell my parents about such a big good thing." Seeing Younina continuing to talk, Ye Qianyue stared at her, pretending to be puzzled He asked, "Master Goddess wants to take me so forcefully, does it mean that you don't believe my promise?"

"How come, I believe in your character." It's all said and done, if Younina forces Ye Qianyue again, then her usual kind and elegant appearance will be lost!

Xin said that she could not offend Ye Qianyue by saying anything, and the smile on Younina's face remained unchanged, she nodded in agreement with Ye Qianyue's words.

After exchanging greetings with Ye Qianyue, Younina finally left.

Watching Younina leave, Ye Qianyue's lips finally evoked a sneer.

"Meow, meow." Called at Ye Qianyue, Xiao Hei had clearly seen Yunina's personality.

This woman obviously wants to use Ye Qianyue!
(End of this chapter)

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