The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 183 This woman ruined everything about him

Chapter 183 This Woman Ruined Everything About Him

"I know Younina has no good intentions, so I won't be fooled." Having been with Xiao Hei for such a long time, Ye Qianyue can naturally see that Xiao Hei cares about her.

Only then did he feel relieved, Xiao Heiyan saw a flash of light on the scepter ring, and then Huo Qilin jumped out, "Roar!"

He could still clearly smell the smell of Younina lingering in the air, and Huo Qilin's big watery eyes were full of strong anger.

"Huo'er, calm down, that goddess has already left." Holding Huo Qilin, Ye Qianyue's expression was cold, "I need to go back and talk to my parents about this matter, lest they worry about me."

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue left the room and went to discuss with Gu Rong about returning to the empire.

Time passed quickly, and soon it was late at night.

On the outskirts of the imperial capital of the Fenglan Empire, a figure in a state of embarrassment lay on the ground, dying!
Under the cold moonlight, Xuanyuan Lang was covered in blood and dying, as if he was about to die.

Even his vision became blurred, Xuanyuan Lang took a deep breath, but coughed up two mouthfuls of blood forcefully.

His arms and legs were severed, and Xuanyuan Lang couldn't even move. He could only lie on the spot extremely weakly, waiting for death to come.

Although he was on the verge of the limit, Xuanyuan Lang's eyes were beating with hatred.

"Kill you, I will, I will kill you...!" The voice like a tarsal maggot kept ringing, and Xuanyuan Lang's difficult words were broken as if after chewing, in this cold night Extraordinarily gloomy.

Trying his best to stay awake, Xuanyuan Lang was extremely exhausted physically and mentally, but he dared not fall asleep.

If he fell asleep like this, he would definitely die!
Knowing this clearly, Xuanyuan Lang thought hard, Ye Qianyue's face kept appearing in front of his eyes.

Indifferent, indifferent, arrogant!There was a mocking sneer on Ye Qianyue's beautiful face, just like the last time he saw it!

This woman ruined everything about him! !

He gritted his teeth viciously, not knowing whether Xuanyuan Lang was too resentful or what, Ye Qianyue's face became clearer and clearer in front of him, as if she had come to his side.

"Ye Qianyue! Ye Qianyue! Is it really you? How dare you kill me like this! I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!" An angry roar came from his throat, and Xuanyuan Lang's hands and feet were broken The whole person is like a huge bug, which can only move feebly on the ground.

After hearing Xuanyuan Lang's words, the sneer on 'Ye Qianyue''s face turned into a strong sarcasm, and she looked at Xuanyuan Lang as if she were looking at a waste.

"It's ridiculous that His Royal Highness the crown prince of the empire on which the sun never sets falls into such a field."'Ye Qianyue' stared at Xuanyuan Lang coldly, her voice was cold and thick, it was actually a man's voice.

Looking at the person in front of him in surprise, Xuanyuan Lang only felt a turmoil in his mind, and when he fixed his eyes again, the person in front of him was no longer Ye Qianyue.

I saw that the person was wearing a black robe, and his whole body seemed to blend into this bleak night, looking mysterious and terrifying.

"Who are you? How do you know my identity!" He coughed up another mouthful of blood, Xuanyuan Lang squinted his eyes in pain, apparently unable to hold on anymore!

(End of this chapter)

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