Chapter 196

After hearing Ye Yunxiao's words, Ye Qianyue glanced at Ye Qianfeng who had a fierce face over there.

Ye Qianfeng is already the peak Nianwang, and he is only one step away from becoming the Nianhuang powerhouse. Such a terrifying strength is definitely not something the old man Wanshui can resist.

In addition, Ye Yunxiao is already an intermediate Nianwang powerhouse, and the old man Wanshui is only a junior Nianwang, and he can't make any big waves at all.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue finally felt relieved, and fainted out of exhaustion.

After carefully checking Ye Qianyue's injuries and finding that there was no great love, Ye Yunxiao was slightly relieved.

But here, Ye Qianfeng's face no longer had the usual gentle expression.

A ferocious killing intent danced on his handsome face, Ye Qianfeng stood in the air, staring at the old man Wanshui with a pair of dark eyes, as if looking at a dead person.

Although he couldn't see Ye Qianfeng's cold eyes at the moment, the old man Wan Shui could still feel the terrifying and ferocious murderous aura!
The old man Wanshui struggled vigorously with large and small wounds on his body, but it was completely useless.

There was a drop of cold sweat on the forehead, and the old man Wan Shui felt Ye Qianfeng's breath, and his face turned pale, "What, it's the peak of Nian Wang!?"

It's still the kind of Nian Wang who can become Nian Huang's pinnacle just by hitting the door! !
"Who are you? Let me tell you, if you kill me, we 'dark demons' will not let you go!" Shouted in horror, but the old man Wanshui clearly felt the Jinsha, who bound him tightly, is constantly tightening.

"Ah!!" The terrifying Jin Sha strangled the hands and feet of the old man Wan Shui, and then got in through his wide-open mouth, viciously stirring his internal organs.

As if swallowing countless sharp cold knives, the old man Wanshui struggled feebly, but it had no effect at all.

"No matter who it is, as long as it hurts my family, it will definitely die!" Ever since she was chased and killed, she was already suffocated. Now that Ye Qianyue and Ye Jingli were seriously injured, Ye Qianfeng Naturally, it is unbearable!
Ye Yunxiao on the other side was also murderous, holding Ye Qianyue to see Ye Jingli.

After being fed the healing potion by Ye Qianyue, Ye Jingli's large and small injuries had healed, but his complexion was still pale, and his aura was so weak that it seemed that it would disappear at any time.

"How are Xiaoyue and Xiaoli?" Ye Qianfeng anxiously came to Ye Yunxiao's side after dealing with old man Wanshui.

"None are life-threatening, but Qianyue's spiritual power seems to be seriously consumed. Brother, we don't know much about spiritual power. Why don't you send Qianyue to Gu Rong's instructor first."

"Okay." Nodding, Ye Qianfeng carefully picked up Ye Jingli, and the two quickly headed towards the academy.

Seeing this, Xiao Hei and Huo Qilin quickly followed.


Not knowing how long she had been in a coma, Ye Qianyue only felt bursts of pain in her head.

It didn't take long for Ye Qianyue to feel a refreshing breath that made her feel refreshed.

The gentle breath wandered through the whole body, gradually soothing Ye Qianyue's frown.

After an unknown amount of time, Ye Qianyue finally struggled to open her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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