The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 197 I'm Going to Meet Big Brother and Them

Chapter 197 I'm Going to Meet Big Brother and Them

"Qianyue, you're awake? That's great!" Seeing that Ye Qianyue had finally woken up, Qing Lan seemed to be by Ye Qianyue's side all the time, with tears in her eyes.

Realizing that she was sitting naked in a huge wooden barrel, Ye Qianyue glanced at the light green liquid medicine around her, and felt the power that made her comfortable.

"How long have I been in a coma?" Ye Qianyue's voice was extremely hoarse, seeing that Qinglan poured herself a glass of warm water, Ye Qianyue drank it immediately.

The stinging throat got better, and Ye Qianyue exhaled a long breath of foul air.

"It's been two days and two nights. If you don't wake up again, Big Brother Feng and the others will really panic to death."

Actually...has it been two days and two nights?
Unexpectedly, she fell asleep for such a long time, Ye Qianyue seemed to think of something, and asked quickly, "Where is Xiao Li, how is Xiao Li?"

"He's fine, thanks to the healing potion you gave him, he woke up half a day ago and was clamoring to see you, but he was stopped by Teacher Gu Rong." Qing Lan said. He asked nervously, "Forget about others, Qianyue, how do you feel now?"

"It's much better." Feeling dizzy, Ye Qianyue struggled to stand up, "I'm going to see Big Brother and the others."

Quickly supporting Ye Qianyue, Qing Lan nodded, and then carefully helped Ye Qianyue get dressed.

The mental strength has been severely overdrawn, and Ye Qianyue has experienced such a fight, and the muscles all over her body are extremely sore.

Resisting to put on her clothes, Ye Qianyue took a deep breath, and then walked out of the door of the secret room.

As soon as she went out, Ye Qianyue met the anxious Ye Qianfeng and the others.

"Sister!!" The moment Ye Jingli saw Ye Qianyue, he couldn't bear it any longer. With a twitch of his bright red mouth, he threw himself into Ye Qianyue's arms crying, "Sister, you finally You're awake, I'm really worried about you!"

Dou Da's tears kept flowing, and Ye Jingli hugged Ye Qianyue sobbingly.

"Xiao Li, I'm fine, don't cry." Seeing that Ye Jingli's breath was still weak, Ye Qianyue frowned, "You see that you are not in good health yet, why are you running around like this?"

"I, I'm worried about my sister." I still remember seeing Ye Qianyue's weak appearance after waking up. Ye Jingli knew that Ye Qianyue suffered such a serious injury to save him, otherwise Ye Qianyue's Strength, it is not difficult to escape alone.

"Qianyue, how do you feel?" Ye Yunxiao also rushed over quickly, and then saw Ye Qianyue's bloodless face at a glance, "Really, why is this little face so pale? How good is this! "

"Second brother, I'm fine, you don't have to worry."

"It's nothing, I think what the second brother said is right, Qianyue, your complexion is really bad." As he spoke, he quickly took out a bottle of potion from his receiving ring, and Ye Qianfeng stuffed it into it. In Ye Qianyue's hand, "Quick, this is the best healing potion for big brother, drink it quickly."

Recognized at a glance that this is a very precious sixth-grade medicine, Ye Qianyue frowned, "Brother, this is a life-saving medicine, you should keep it for yourself."

"No, you accept it, it's all because of the uselessness of elder brother, who caused you to suffer so much." Self-blame was written all over his face, and Ye Qianfeng was obviously extremely guilty.

 Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket~~~
(End of this chapter)

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