The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 208 Help Me Become a Nian Wang Strongman

Chapter 208 Help Me Become a Nian Wang Strongman

"Xiao Li, don't forget that I am a pharmacist, and I will find a solution." Ye Qianyue watched as Ye Qianfeng and Ye Qianfeng rushed up to stop her without hesitation as she said that she was about to enter the secret room and start practicing. It just crushed the space stone that had been hidden in the armhole.

After the space stone shattered, a space gap also appeared.

"I have made up my mind. I will go directly to the execution site when the time comes. You don't have to worry about me." Saying that, Ye Qianyue entered the space.

"Xiaoyue!" Ye Qianfeng didn't expect Ye Qianyue to have a space stone at all, and Ye Qianfeng tried to stop it in panic, but it was too late.

Seeing the crack in the space close, Ye Qianfeng and the three froze in place, at a loss for a while...

After passing through the space and entering the secret room, Ye Qianyue was already covered in sweat.

"It really takes a lot of energy to travel through the space. Even with the space stone, there is no way to improve it." Taking a deep breath, Ye Qianyue looked at the few space stones left in her hand, and sighed a long time. tone.

This is the space stone that she found with great difficulty from the space of the scepter. It can tear open the space after being crushed, but for Ye Qianyue, it is still too tiring to manipulate this thing.

The space stone was only used out of desperation, otherwise, according to Ye Qianfeng and Ye Yunxiao's temperament, they would not let her take this risk even if they tried their best.

"Meow ~" The four Ye Qianyue brothers were talking just now, Xiao Hei had been hiding in the space of the ring, and now he came out, looking at Ye Qianyue worriedly.

"I'm fine, don't worry." Stretching out her hand to touch Xiao Hei's head, Ye Qianyue immediately took out the Bi Nian Lifting Potion from her ring, and took it without hesitation.

Although it is not appropriate to use the lifting potion at this time, Ye Qianyue has no other choice at this moment!

"I hope it can help me become a strong Nian Wang. At that time, I will take the forbidden medicine..." The gentle medicine power traveled through the whole body, making Ye Qianyue take a deep breath, then closed her eyes, and began to absorb the medicine power .


Two days passed quickly, and today is the day when Ye Rongtian and his wife will be executed.

There was a cold light on the huge black stone execution field. Even though there was no blood on the stage, the strong smell of blood accumulated over the years still could not dissipate.

Both Ye Rongtian and Mrs. Ye were wearing heavy shackles around their necks. Both of them were covered in wounds, their faces were pale, and they looked much thinner than before.

The surrounding people were surrounded by onlookers, and when they saw the two of Ye Rongtian in such a state of distress, they all sighed.

"Look, the Ye family has always been so prominent, but now it can only fall to this point!"

"But I think the Ye family has always been peaceful, so they shouldn't do anything out of the ordinary, right?"

"...You don't know yet? I heard that Ye Qianyue, Ye Qianyue's daughter, tried to kill the current Majesty Xuanyuan Lang many times, but was accused of murdering the monarch by His Majesty. The four children are still hiding in the Imperial College and dare not show their heads."


Hearing that some people below had started to say that Ye Qianyue and the others were unfilial, Ye Rongtian smiled indifferently.

In his opinion, it is the greatest filial piety for Ye Qianfeng and the others to keep their lives, and he is already very satisfied.

Turning his head to look at Mrs. Ye, Ye Rongtian looked at Mrs. Ye's eyes full of joy, and knew that the wife he had been in love with was the same as he thought.

(End of this chapter)

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