Chapter 209 Xuanyuan Lang!Die!
"Ma'am, are you afraid?" Ye Rongtian's voice was somewhat hoarse due to several days of torture.

Smiling and bending her eyes, Madam Ye's tone was still soft and gentle, "With my husband around, I am not afraid of anything. Moreover, as long as Feng'er and the others are doing well, I will die without regret."

"The duke and madam really love each other. It's a pity that when you were alive, your fate was too shallow. You can only stay together after you die." But at this moment, a cold and mocking voice came also sounded.

Suddenly, a cold light flashed across his eyes, Ye Guogong looked at Xuanyuan Lang who was standing not far away with an arrogant and proud face, and his heart suddenly filled with strong disgust, "Xuanyuan Lang!"

"He really is a traitor! He is so rude when he speaks!" Looking at Ye Rongtian's murderous face, Xuanyuan Lang's dark brown eyes revealed a cold death breath, and he firmly held Ye Rongtian The public lock, "I am the majesty of the empire on which the sun never sets, Ye Rongtian, you are just a death row prisoner, you dare to call me like that, you deserve death!"

"Hmph, do you think I'll be afraid!" Looking at Xuanyuan Lang disdainfully, Ye Rongtian's eyes were cold, as if he was looking at a scum, "Anyway, I'm dead anyway, so why should I treat a scum like you?" Respectfully."

"Duke Ye is really tough. It's a pity that he just died like this." A deep light appeared in his eyes, and Xuanyuan Lang's smile was somewhat cruel, "So, in order not to let the Duke and the Madam died too lonely, I specially prepared a few people to be buried with you..."

"Xuanyuan Lang, what did you do to my children?!" Mrs. Ye, who had been silent and didn't like to talk to Xuanyuan Lang, shouted loudly after hearing Xuanyuan Lang's words.

"I don't care about them. It's because they don't want to part with the duke and madam, so they rushed here to seek death." The voice was very soft, and Xuanyuan Lang quickly felt an extremely fierce aura, and fiercely moved towards him. He comes.

"Xuanyuan Lang! Die!" His angry eyes fixed on Xuanyuan Lang's body, and Ye Yunxiao shot out a bright white flame from his hand, condensed into a fireball, and shot towards Xuanyuan Lang aggressively.

The fireball brought up a gorgeous tail of fire, which instantly dried up the moisture in the surrounding air, and it was about to bomb Xuanyuan Lang's body.

Immediately let out a soft snort of disdain, Xuanyuan Lang waved his hand lightly without even raising his eyebrows, his strong internal force easily caught the white fireball, "You and I belong to the same fire department, even if you and I are in the same Your level may not be able to win me, let alone, your level is so much lower than mine!"

"Xuanyuan Lang, it's better not to talk too much too soon!" Seeing that Xuanyuan Lang had blocked the fireball with his mind, Ye Yunxiao sneered, and snapped his fingers easily.

Hearing that clear sound, Xuanyuan Lang's heart suddenly 'thumped'.

His eyes widened in astonishment, Xuanyuan Lang watched the white fireball emit a burst of pure and dazzling light.

The breath that made his heart tremble swept over in an instant, and the white fireball also exploded at this instant!
"Boom!" There was a loud noise, accompanied by dust all over the sky, covering everyone's sight in an instant!

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(End of this chapter)

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