The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 220 The deity will kill you two first

Chapter 220 I Will Kill Both of You First

However, this was only a minor injury to the man in black!
The shock of his body scattered the gold dust all over his body, and the man in black immediately stretched out his palm and grabbed it fiercely in two different directions.

"Hmm...!" He was grabbed by the man in black all of a sudden, and Ye Qianfeng and the two looked at him coldly.

"You are so courageous, I will kill you two first!" Already completely enraged, the man in black squeezed out such a sentence from his teeth, and then urged him fiercely The power of thought in one's own body.

Ye Qianfeng and the two of them spit out a mouthful of blood immediately due to the terrifying dark thought power.

Seeing Ye Qianfeng and Ye Qianfeng's weak appearance, the man in black immediately sneered.

But just when the man in black was about to give these two people a final blow, a sharp cold light had already reached the back of his heart.

Already clearly feeling that thing piercing his skin, the black-robed man's complexion changed suddenly, and then a burst of terrifying thoughts erupted all over his body in an instant!

Hearing a muffled groan from his back, the man in black turned his head in astonishment, and met Ye Qianyue's eyes all at once.

The pitch-black eyes were like billowing dark clouds, and the murderous intent brewing within them made one's heart tremble, and even made the man in black feel a gloomy chill from behind!

Seeing Ye Qianyue raised the corners of her lips towards him, the man in black trembled, and clearly felt the long needle in Ye Qianyue's hand piercing his body.

His body trembled like a convulsion, and the black-robed man widened his eyes, looking at Ye Qianyue in disbelief.

"It's over..." Before she could finish her sentence, Ye Qianyue felt strange.

A gleam of astonishment flashed across her eyes, and Ye Qianyue watched the man in black who was supposed to be dead sneer at herself.

"Hehehe, I almost fell for you and you have the Tao!" As he said, the skin around the black-robed man turned the color of dead wood, and countless vines protruded from the black-robed man's wide black robe. , directly flew Ye Qianyue out.

Looking at the weird scene in front of her in astonishment, Ye Qianyue watched as the man in black ruthlessly threw Ye Qianfeng and the two towards her like sandbags.

Naturally, Ye Qianfeng couldn't ignore the safety of Ye Qianfeng and the two of them. Ye Qianyue stretched out her hand to catch them, and then saw you, the man in black, poke your palm like a branch into Xuanyuan Lang's body, and pulled out a nearly transparent objects.

I saw the object let out a sharp scream, and then gradually wriggled out of Xuanyuan Lang's face in the hands of the man in black!

Anger and hatred are suppressed in the eyes, that is Xuanyuan Lang's soul!

A sinister smile curled up at the corner of his mouth, and the man in black made a slight tap, and the soul flew out fiercely like a missile, and then came to Ye Qianyue in an instant.

"Hehehe...!" There was a fragmented laughter in his throat, and Xuanyuan Lang's soul smiled lightly at Ye Qianyue, and then it exploded!

A terrifying spiritual vortex appeared instantly, and the three of Ye Qianyue were involved in it!
"Sister!" Ye Jingli's face turned pale with fright, and he shouted tremblingly, but he didn't get any response.

"Roar!" Seeing the gradual expansion of the spiritual vortex, what Huo Qilin didn't even think about was to carry the three of Ye Rongtian on his back, and then stepped on the void and left quickly.

 I originally promised readers to update it between 12:1 and [-]:[-], but because Feier is not feeling well today, it took an extra half an hour, and I would like to apologize to everyone here.

  In order to compensate everyone, Feier will add another update in a while, so everyone, please remember to vote for Feier~
(End of this chapter)

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