The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 221 Do You Dare To Say It Again?

Chapter 221 Do You Dare To Say It Again?

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I saw that terrible vortex quickly swept the place where they were just now, and rolled up the stones on the ground in a roar, making the faces of Ye Rongtian and the three of them pale.

Looking coldly at the mental storm that could tear people into pieces, the man in black grinned grinningly and tore open the dead wood-like flesh on his chest, then stretched out his hand and pulled out the long needle that pierced his heart. .

A streak of dark green liquid like sap shot out and splashed on the ground, immediately corroding a hole in the ground.

At this moment, the entire heart of the man in black seemed to be a huge piece of wood, and dark leaves quickly grew on it, filling up the not small needle hole in the heart.

Although he saved his life, the man in the black robe suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

Even with his strength, facing such a serious injury, he couldn't help but feel a little scared.

If he hadn't reacted quickly, he might have been stabbed to death by Ye Qianyue just now!
Thinking of this, the black-robed man's complexion became even uglier.

The dark green eyes narrowed coldly, and the man in black couldn't help laughing wildly as he watched the mental storm over there.

Under such a terrible mental storm, he didn't believe that Ye Qianyue and the others could come out alive!
And just when the man in black was thinking so viciously, the mental storm finally stopped.

The dust dissipated, and the entire execution platform was in a mess. Countless gravels were pulverized into powder and fluttered out profusely, making Ye Rongtian and the three in the air red-eyed.

"Brother and them? Why are they missing!" Raising his sleeves to wipe away his tears, Ye Jingli panicked and wanted to find the figures of Ye Qianfeng and the others, but he couldn't see them after looking for a long time.

"Hahahahaha, it really is three wastes. Their useless bodies must have been stirred up into countless flesh by the mental storm, and they didn't even leave a complete body!" Didn't see Ye Qianyue three The figure of the man, the man in black immediately let out a loud laugh.

The black-robed man's laughter was like a sharp knife, piercing the hearts of Ye Rongtian and the others.

Madam Ye was crying so hard that she could only lean helplessly in Ye Rongtian's arms.

At this moment, the black-robed man also had an arrogant expression on his face, looking up at Ye Jingli and the other three in the air.

Ye Jingli clenched his teeth while being stared at by the man in black with that eye, but he couldn't help but tremble.

Nian Zun's coercion is not something he can bear!

"Let's go! Huo'er, let's go!" Only by surviving can we have the possibility of avenging our brothers and sisters!
"Hehe, I've said it before, none of you Ye family members will try to run away!" The black-robed man grinned ferociously as he lowered his toes to the ground and rushed towards Ye Jingli and the other three.

"Hahahaha, from today onwards, the Empire on which the sun never sets belongs to our Dark Demon!" With a sneer, he was about to slap Ye Jingli with a deadly palm, but the man in black seemed to be pinched suddenly. The smile on the corner of his mouth stopped abruptly, and he watched a plain white palm protrude from the space wormhole, pinching and breaking his wrist in an instant.

"Oh? Do you dare to say it again?" The man's voice was cold and arrogant, and immediately after that, a red angry lotus shot towards the black-robed man with a crack in space!

Looking at the red furious lotus, the man in black's face turned pale instantly, and while retreating violently, he suddenly met a pair of gilt-gold unruly eyes!
(End of this chapter)

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