Chapter 239 A Sudden Extra Child

Naturally, the border of the empire is not as prosperous as the imperial capital, it looks much more barren.

They didn't intend to stay here either. The three of Ye Qianyue only needed to find an inn to stay overnight, and waited for the next day to take the flying bird directly to the Moonfall Empire.

The Moonset Empire is the country closest to the edge of the continent, and only after crossing the Moonset Empire can they reach Skyfire City.

Although Skyfire City is located on the edge of the mainland, because of its special geographical advantages and the surrounding Skyfire Forest, people from various empires continue to go here every year.

Because, only by crossing the Skyfire City and Skyfire Forest can you reach the locations of the various sects!
Speaking of various sects, that is a very big force on the Canghe Continent.

In addition to Ye Qianfeng's Nine Star Sect, there are Moon Shadow Sect, Wuji Sect and Seven Kills Sect, a total of four sects.

It is rumored that each of these four sects has its own mountain peak, as well as a special practice site protected by an enchantment.

Although the target this time is not the various sects, if there is a chance in the future, Ye Qianyue would also like to visit these sects.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue and the others were suddenly stopped.

Looking at the arm lying in front of her, Ye Qianyue raised her eyebrows coldly, "What do you mean?"

It was none other than Chi Hou, one of the owners of the horned carriage, who stopped Ye Qianyue.

"Miss, I remember that you only paid the fare for two people when you got on the bus, why is there one more person coming out when you get off now?" He scanned his body, as if he wanted to see something.

There was no expression on his face, Xiao Hei was calm and calm, and he didn't even look at Chi Hou.

Facing Chihou's malicious gaze, Ye Qianyue said indifferently, "Why, children, do you still want to charge money?"

"Well, although you don't need the full price, you still need to pay half of the fare." As he said that, Chi Hou looked up at Ye Qianyue, "Miss, why didn't I see you bring this when you got on the bus?" child?"

"There are so many things you can't see, do I have to explain them to you one by one?" The tone was very cold, Ye Qianyue quickly asked Mo Zhu to make up the difference, "Before I didn't know the child You also have to pay, now that I've made it up for you, stop talking nonsense in front of me."

A faint cold light flashed in his eyes, Chi Hou nodded again and again, "I offended Miss, I don't know where Miss is going? If Miss wants to go far away, why don't you take the flying bird that will travel tomorrow! That's my eldest sister's team, if the young lady wants to go, I can give the young lady a discount."

"Thank you, let's talk about it tomorrow." Ye Qianyue did not directly answer Chi Hou's words, but after finishing speaking, Ye Qianyue took Mo Zhu and Xiao Hei and left.

"Miss, go slowly..." After shouting this, Chi Hou watched Ye Qianyue walk away, and immediately spat, "Bah, why are you pretending to be so lofty!"

"Third brother, how is the investigation going?" At this moment, Zhenhu came over.

"I think it's those two women who are the most suspected. I looked carefully when they got into the car before, and there were no children at all. Now there is one more child. It's really strange."

"Well, if that child is really a magical beast that can transform, then we will snatch him back no matter what!" Zhenhu said excitedly with a cold light in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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