The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 240 Sure enough, it is not ordinary

Chapter 240 Sure enough, it is not ordinary

Transformed high-level monsters are very rare. If you can get one, whether you keep it for yourself or put it up for auction, it's a good thing.

"Second brother, actually I don't think we need to tell elder sister, just the two of us, let's go and deal with those two girls, especially the one in the red dress, she's really pretty!" While talking, Chi A wretched smile appeared on the monkey's face.

"You see, you have these thoughts in your head all day long!" After scolding, Zhenhu nodded and said, "I still have to tell the eldest sister first, as for those two women... Hmph, after you get the high-level magic beast, There is plenty of time to play slowly!"

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to the second brother..." With a smirk, Chihou and Zhenhu also quickly went to find the so-called eldest sister they said.


And here, Ye Qianyue and the three quickly found an inn to stay.

"Miss, this servant feels that the person just now obviously has bad intentions!" Mo Zhu said to Ye Qianyue nervously as soon as he entered the door.

"It's always good to be careful when traveling. But don't worry, they won't attack us for the time being." He poured himself a cup of tea straight away, and Ye Qianyue took a sip to moisten his throat.

Not understanding what Ye Qianyue meant, Mo Zhu tilted his head in confusion.

"These people are obviously also animal trainers. One has a wildebeest carriage, and his eldest sister also has a team of flying birds. With such strength, they are at least rank four animal trainers. And their goal is obviously not the two of us. .” Saying that, Ye Qianyue chuckled and looked at Xiao Hei.

"It's common for beast trainers to snatch other people's monsters, but they will have to control the flying birds next, so they can't consume too much energy, so the fastest, they will wait until the flying birds reach their destination before attacking us. "After Xiao Hei finished speaking, he looked up at Ye Qianyue, his golden eyes were beating with a little chill, "Don't worry, I will protect you."

"Let me do it myself. You also know that I need to fight all the time when I come out this time, so as to consolidate the power of thought in my body, so don't make a move until my life is dying." Looking at Xiao Hei with a smile, Ye Qian Yue looked at Xiao Hei standing above nothingness floating in the air at this moment, and knew that his strength must not be low.

Only Nianzong strongmen can float in the air. It seems that she finally doesn't have to worry about the seventh-order magic core.

Although it was just a car ride along the way, it also made people feel a little tired due to the exhaustion of the boat and the car.

Food was coming soon, and the three of them washed up quickly after eating, and then went to bed to rest.

The night passed quickly, and the three of them got up the next day. After breakfast, they went directly to the place where the flying bird team stayed.

I saw the red monkey Zhenhu and another seductive woman standing in front of the three huge flying birds.

The woman was wearing a long dark green dress, and when she saw Ye Qianyue and the other three, her eyes lit up.

Then she lowered her head, the woman thought she was hiding well, but she didn't know that every change in her eyes could not escape Ye Qianyue's eyes.

"Hello miss, I am the master of this flying bird team, Xi Luan." With a slight smile on his face, Xi Luan looked carefully at Xiao Hei while talking.

The blond hair and golden eyes look particularly conspicuous, and with that cold and delicate face, he really doesn't look like an ordinary child.

(End of this chapter)

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