The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 247 Don't Compete With This Kind of Person

Chapter 247 Don't Compete With This Kind of Person
A slightly bloody breeze blew by, blowing away the ashes scattered on the ground.

After solving these three mercenaries, Ye Qianyue and the others came to the mercenary guild very quickly under the teasing and malicious eyes of passers-by on the road.

Being pointed at along the way, as soon as Ye Qianyue entered the mercenary guild, a faint smell of blood mixed with dust came over her face.

Can't help frowning slightly, Ye Qianyue and the three entered the mercenary guild, and greeted countless eyes.

All the mercenaries sitting in the entire mercenary guild were covered with muscles and scars. It was really out of place to break into two women and a child at once.

"Hehe, two chicks, come here to hang out with children? It's really fun!" As he said, a mercenary with wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes posted it with a smirk.

The slender mouse eyes quickly swept across Ye Qianyue's face, and the man's eyes looked straight.

The spiritual power was detected a little bit, and Ye Qianyue felt the man's strength without a trace.

Elementary Nianling is a good strength.

Faintly drawing such a conclusion, Ye Qianyue walked directly towards the registration office without even looking at the man.

Although it is a good strength, it is not enough for Ye Qianyue to pay attention to.

She never thought that Ye Qianyue would ignore her like this. The mercenary man was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately became irritable, "Damn it, you look pretty good, so I'm being polite to you! You really are Do you give me face when you are an old man? You guys, come over here and teach this woman who doesn't know what to do!"

For such a long time in Tianhuo City, these mercenaries haven't seen such a thin-skinned and tender woman like Ye Qianyue and the other for a long time. go.

All of them were mercenaries licking blood with their knives, and these people even approached Ye Qianyue and the others with gleaming long knives on their shoulders.

Standing beside Ye Qianyue, Xiao Hei's eyes were cold.

There was a little chill in the golden beast-like eyes, Xiao Hei didn't like these men staring at Ye Qianyue with such presumptuous eyes.

Raising his soft little hand, Xiao Hei was about to teach these people a lesson, but was stopped by Ye Qianyue.

Looking up at Ye Qianyue, Xiao Hei suddenly met Ye Qianyue's calm eyes.

"Don't argue with this kind of person, it's too cheap." After saying this lightly, Ye Qianyue seemed to have not seen the ugly faces of those mercenaries at all.

"Hmph, what a bold tone! No one in the entire Tianhuo City dares to talk to me, Jinshu! Today, I must punish you, a woman who doesn't know what to do, and let everyone know what happens to me if you provoke me!" Jinshu immediately With a cold snort, his small eyes stared fiercely at Ye Qianyue over there.

"Excuse me, I want to register for the mercenary group." Ye Qianyue spoke directly to the person in charge of registration, Ye Qianyue's tone was very light, but still made all the mercenaries in the hall quiet down.

Then, as if they had made an appointment, these mercenaries burst out laughing at the same time.

"Hahahaha, did you hear that? These two women and one child actually want to register with the Mercenary Corps!"

"It's so funny, hey, beautiful girl, why bother, as long as you are willing to accompany the uncle for a night, the uncle will take you directly to the Tianhuo Forest!"

"Going to Tianhuo Forest is also looking for death, it's really beyond self-control!"

(End of this chapter)

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