The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 248 Really achieved a one-hit kill!

Chapter 248 A real one-hit kill!
Not only the mercenaries beside Golden Mouse, but even the other mercenaries present laughed out loud, teasing one sentence after another.

"Miss, are you joking?" Even the staff in charge of registration showed disdain, "It takes at least five people to form a mercenary group, and there are only three of you, unless your group leader can reach Spirit level, otherwise, you will not be able to register as a mercenary group."

As soon as the staff said this, the surrounding mercenaries laughed even harder.

Especially Jinshu, with a wretched smile on the corner of his mouth, he moved directly to Ye Qianyue and the other two, "Miss, I, Jinshu, am not a rude person. I have always been the most sympathetic. Guaranteed to eat delicious food and spicy food, you will not worry about food and clothing!"

Saying that, the golden mouse narrowed its small eyes, and reached out to grab Mo Zhu's arm.

"What are you doing? Let me go!" Goosebumps appeared on his body instantly, and Mo Zhu felt extremely disgusted, and immediately screamed.

"Hahaha, Grandpa likes a soft and weak woman like you, come, have fun with Grandpa!" Saying this, the Golden Mouse acted more recklessly, and stretched out his hand to hug Mo Zhu's shoulder.

The mercenaries around looked at this scene with great interest, as if they were expecting the golden mouse to tear off Mo Zhu's clothes directly, so they will do her here!

And before the golden mouse's disgusting palm touched Mo Zhu, a ferocious killing intent flashed across Ye Qianyue's dark eyes.

I couldn't see how Ye Qianyue moved at all, everyone just felt that the fiery red dress floated by, and then the golden mouse flew out!
"Ah!!" There was a scream from the throat, and the golden mouse fell to the ground like a dead dog, rolling continuously on the ground with a pale face.

They didn't expect such a thing to happen at all, and everyone present couldn't help but froze, and then looked at the golden mouse that fell on the ground in horror.

I saw that the entire arm of the golden mouse was twisted, and the hideous broken bones pierced the skin, accompanied by blood, which looked extraordinarily ferocious.

The strong smell of blood spread out, causing all the men present to widen their eyes in horror, and then looked at Ye Qianyue over there in disbelief.

The red dress is flamboyant, and the star array under Ye Qianyue's feet is shining brightly with four cold stars. She is clearly a high-level Nian Ling!
She didn't reveal her true strength, but Ye Qianyue's strength still made all the mercenaries take a step back!
There was a hint of murderous intent on the beautiful face, and a cluster of fiery red flames danced on the palm of Ye Qianyue's lightly raised hand, and the terrifying temperature swept out, making those mercenaries who spoke rudely just now scream I shuddered.

Seeing the terrified faces of the mercenaries, Ye Qianyue just let out a cold snort, and then the flame in her hand quickly dispersed, turning into countless fire spots, and hit those mercenaries fiercely. chest.

"Ah!!" They all let out a piercing scream, how could those mercenaries resist Ye Qianyue's blow, their eyes widened one by one, and then they all fell to the ground.

There was a bloody hole no bigger than a fingertip on the chest, and the surrounding area of ​​the wound was scorched black, and it was truly killed by one blow!
All the mercenaries who saw the death were those mercenaries who spoke rudely just now, and the other mercenaries present also felt the approach of death, they all drew out their weapons, and looked at Ye Qianyue over there vigilantly.

(End of this chapter)

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