Chapter 249 Flame Mercenaries

No one dared to underestimate Ye Qianyue any more, they all had a look of fear, for fear that Ye Qianyue would make another move.

Seeing that all his subordinates were killed by Ye Qianyue's blow, Jin Shu's eyes finally showed a little horror, "I, I warn you, you'd better not shoot at me, otherwise our vicious sand mercenaries The head of the regiment will not let you go!"

"I'm waiting for him to come to me and ask for my life." After uttering such a sentence coldly, Ye Qianyue waved her hand coldly, and a flame condensed into a thread, shooting straight towards the golden mouse's head ,

There was no time to react, the golden mouse saw the line of fire rushing fiercely into the center of his eyebrows, and then pierced his entire head fiercely with a trace of burning heat that made him tremble!
His face was pale and his eyes widened, but the golden mouse couldn't even scream, and fell straight on the ground, with no life left.

Unexpectedly, Ye Qianyue, a woman, could kill someone so neatly. All the mercenaries present swallowed their saliva anxiously, and looked at Ye Qianyue over there with horror.

Unlike the gentleness and charm of ordinary women, Ye Qianyue is cold and arrogant, as proud as a goddess, and doesn't take anything seriously.

A beautiful face is more perfect than any woman, and Ye Qianyue's faint eyes are breathtaking and unstoppable!
Such a stunner not only has outstanding appearance, but also has such terrifying strength, it really makes all men irresistible!
This is a natural charm, even if it is inadvertent, it can seduce and fascinate people.

All of them were amazed by Ye Qianyue, and those mercenaries finally came back to their senses when Ye Qianyue glanced over them faintly.

Also quite frightened, the staff member swallowed uneasily, watching Ye Qianyue set her eyes on herself.

"Please, miss, please spare me!" He said this to Ye Qianyue in great fear, and the staff was afraid that Ye Qianyue would also shoot him and kill him.

Coldly raising an eyebrow at the staff, Ye Qianyue said, "Hurry up and register for me."

"Yes! Miss, please wait a moment!" Dare not to have any other thoughts, the staff member said this in panic, and then hurriedly began to register Ye Qianyue.

"Miss, since your strength is at the peak of Nian Ling, even if you are the only one, you can directly register for the mercenary group." As he said, the staff looked at Ye Qianyue carefully, "I don't know if Miss wants to give the mercenary a What's the group's name?"

"Let's call it Lie Yan Mercenary Group." Ye Qianyue said casually, who was never very good at naming.

"Then, may I ask what is Miss's name?" Knowing that Ye Qianyue must be the head of this mercenary group, the staff asked tremblingly.

"Ye Qianyue." Saying that, Ye Qianyue picked up Xiao Hei and showed the staff, "Including me in the mercenary group, there are three people in total."

Of course, he could see that there were three people, but among these three people, two were women, and the other was a baby who hadn't grown up. It was really weird like never before!
I have never seen such a mercenary group before, but the staff didn't dare to say anything, they just quickly registered Ye Qianyue.

Seeing that Ye Qianyue had really started to register as a mercenary group, the other mercenaries looked at each other in blank dismay, seeing the astonishment in each other's eyes.

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(End of this chapter)

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