Chapter 258 Do You Remember Me
The audience was shocked, and everyone stared wide-eyed at the scene in front of them, their faces full of disbelief!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed that a Tier [-] Warcraft would be swallowed in one bite!

The surroundings were quiet, after the Fire Qilin swallowed the Ice Spirit Snake into its belly, it burped in satisfaction, and then swaggered to Ye Qianyue's feet and lay down in front of everyone's eyes. It was furry and cute, It looks like a cute little puppy.Pet.things!

The audience was silent, Nalan Feiyu was completely frightened, she looked at Huo Qilin and Ye Qianyue with a pale face, trembling.Shaking his lips, he still couldn't say a word.

Too much change.out!She just felt that Ye Qianyue and her Warcraft were too changed.out!

Ye Qianyue did not plan to quarrel with Nalan Feiyu again.To get on with it, she came to the station to rest, not to mention, Nalan Feiyu was even more stupid than she thought, she really didn't want to argue with this kind of person.

Leaving the stunned crowd behind, Ye Qianyue turned around and walked towards the bar.

There was a reception maid standing at the bar. Seeing Ye Qianyue approaching her step by step, she subconsciously took a step back.

"Yes, what's the matter?" the maid asked stammeringly.

"Give me a room, please be quiet." Ye Qianyue said lightly, and then took out a few gold coins and put them on the bar.

"Now, there is no room now..." The maid did not accept the gold coin, but said cautiously.

Because of the sudden bad weather, almost all the mercenaries in Tianhuo Forest came to the inn to avoid the storm. Ye Qianyue came a little late, and the rooms were robbed early.

Frowning slightly, Ye Qianyue was about to say something when she heard a gentle voice behind her.

"Give up my room to this girl."

The voice was somewhat familiar, and Ye Qianyue saw a familiar figure when she turned around following the voice.

Wearing a sapphire blue gown, his gentle and elegant temperament is obviously different from the rough mercenaries around him. Nalan Rongze didn't know when he came here, and he was standing beside Nalan Feiyu with a smile at the moment, with a kind of stand out from the crowd. Feel.

She slightly raised her eyebrows, Ye Qianyue didn't show any emotion, she and Nalan Rongze only met once, and they were not considered friends, so she had nothing to be surprised about.

Compared to Ye Qianyue's calmness, Nalan Rongze was very pleasantly surprised. He never expected to meet Ye Qianyue again here.

But after so long time no see, Ye Qianyue looks more and more beautiful now.He is so old, he often thinks of Ye Qianyue, and fantasizes that he can meet her again one day, but this day comes without any warning, which makes him so happy that he can't help it.

There was a hearty smile on his handsome face, and Nalan Rongze looked at Ye Qianyue with shimmering eyes, his eyes burning.

"I didn't expect it was really you, do you still remember me?" Nalan Rongze asked warmly.

Ye Qianyue nodded lightly, and then said softly, "You should stay in your room. I will leave when the rain stops."

Her attitude was alienated and indifferent, which made the smile on the corner of Nalan Rongze's lips stiff.

The last time I saw Ye Qianyue, her attitude was also cold, and now it seemed to be even colder than before. He couldn't see emotions other than coldness from Ye Qianyue's eyes that were as dark as night.

 Concubine Concubine was stupid yesterday and wrote the level of Ice Spirit Snake as level [-], now it has been changed to level [-]~
(End of this chapter)

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