Chapter 259 Miss Ye Is Married?

"Brother, why did you help this woman? Do you know how much she went too far!" Nalan Feiyu came back to her senses, felt that Nalan Rongze was here, and she had a backer again, so she gritted her teeth and said, " Her magical beast actually ate my natal beast, brother, you must avenge me!"

Speaking of this, Nalan Feiyu wanted to die already!

She spent a lot of effort to get the Ice Spirit Serpent, she is not a beast trainer, if she loses the Ice Spirit Serpent, she will never have a chance to own a battle monster again!

Hearing Nalan Feiyu's complaint, Nalan Rongze just glanced at the mercenary following her.

The cold coercion implied in this glance made those mercenaries lower their heads unanimously.

"What did I say? Tell you to take good care of the young lady and don't let her cause trouble. What have you done?" Nalan Rongze said in a cold voice. At this moment, he completely took out the young master of the Nine Dragons Mercenary Group majesty.

The few mercenaries who had been silently following behind Nalan Feiyu and let her mess around didn't dare to speak, they just lowered their heads and didn't dare to speak out.

Although Nalan Rongze seems to have a gentle personality, since he can secure the position of the young master of the Nine Dragons Mercenary Corps, how can he be an idler?

"Brother, did you understand what I said? I was bullied!" Nalan Feiyu didn't expect that Nalan Rongze would not stand up for her, and instantly looked at Nalan with wide eyes and aggrieved Rong Ze.

"Every time you make a noise and want to come out with me, you promise to be obedient before you come out, but you still cause me trouble!" Nalan Rongze looked at Nalan Feiyu coldly, "Do you really want to Let me send someone to send you home, and then confine you for a year and a half?"

He knew Nalan Feiyu's character very well, and also knew that Ye Qianyue was not the one who took the initiative to provoke troubles. Seeing Nalan Feiyu's face of knowing what was wrong, he felt a little bored in his heart.

But Ye Qianyue was not interested in watching the scene between their brothers and sisters, so she yawned a little sleepily, and then walked to an empty seat in the corner of the hall. Now that there is no room, she had to sit here and rest for a while .

Nalan Feiyu turned her eyes to look at Ye Qianyue's back, her eyes were full of viciousness, but under the pressure of Nalan Rongze, she dared not say anything more.

"Why don't you hurry up and take the lady back to the room?" Nalan Rongze looked at the mercenaries and said.

Immediately, those mercenaries dragged Nalan Feiyu away regardless of whether she was willing or not.

The other mercenaries who were watching the excitement around them also dispersed at this moment.

Nalan Rongze walked slowly to where Ye Qianyue was, and then sat down on the seat opposite her.

"On behalf of Feiyu, I would like to apologize to Miss Ye. She is usually spoiled and has a bad temper. Please forgive me, Miss Ye." Nalan Rongze said with a smile.

After sitting next to Ye Qianyue, Xiao Hei looked at the smiling human man opposite him, and a hint of anger suddenly surged in his heart.

Without saying a word, Xiao Hei just looked at Nalan Rongze coldly.

Soon he felt Xiao Hei's gaze, and Nalan Rongze finally noticed his existence at this moment.

Meeting Xiao Hei's eyes that were different from normal humans, Nalan Rongze frowned in confusion.

Looking at the expressionless Ye Qianyue, Nalan Rongze had an idea in his heart, and then asked a little cautiously, "Well, could it be that Miss Ye is married?"

(End of this chapter)

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