The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 263 Fire Element and Wood Element

Chapter 263 Fire Element and Wood Element

"Squeak!" At this moment, the monster in the desert was finally enraged by Ye Qianyue's spiritual power, and a roar erupted from his throat, and then instantly exploded the thick sand on his body, frantically rushed out.

Looking at the huge dark green spider, a solemn look quickly appeared in Ye Qianyue's eyes.

Roaringly waving those eight long legs like sickles, the spider's four pairs of bloody purple eyes were full of violence and hostility, and stared viciously at Ye Qianyue's place.

Recognizing that this monster is a special wood-type monster, the wood-faced ghost spider, Ye Qianyue raised her head, and sure enough, she found the fire grass on the back of the wood-faced ghost spider!
The whole body is fiery red, and the Huoxi grass looks like it grows on the back of a wooden ghost spider, and it looks solid.

Ye Qianyue had already noticed when she used her spiritual power to probe just now, that the rhizome of the Huoxi Grass had already penetrated into the devil core of the wood-faced ghost spider, otherwise, she would not have felt so troublesome.

The wood element and the fire element were supposed to be two mutually restraining energies, but for some reason, after the accumulation of time, the fire element energy of the fire grass quietly penetrated into the body of the wood-faced ghost spider, and it The energy of wood energy is fused together!
The wood-faced ghost spider was originally a seventh-order monster, but now it has a little fire energy, which completely wiped out Ye Qianyue's original advantage in attributes!

"As expected of the Skyfire Forest, there are quite a lot of thorny things..." Looking at the wooden-faced ghost spider in front of her that could tear herself into pieces with one kick, Ye Qianyue showed no fear on her face, but hooked it. Raised the corner of his mouth.

There was three parts of bloodthirsty in the smile, seven parts of murderous aura, without the slightest trace of fear and fear!

No matter how powerful this wood-faced ghost spider is, Ye Qianyue is bound to get Huo Xicao and its seventh-order magic core! !
Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue patted Huo Qilin on the back lightly, "Huo'er, come with me, Xiao Hei, don't make a move until the last moment."

After saying this, Ye Qianyue's toes touched the ground, and her figure rushed out like an arrow from the string.

With great strength, Ye Qianyue was like a human cannonball, crushing the sand under her feet with terrifying strength, and with a bit of biting breath, she dodged and came in front of the wood-faced ghost spider.

Seeing Ye Qianyue's flaming figure quickly appear in front of him, the wood-faced ghost spider let out a sharp hiss, then contracted its mouth, and spit out a mouthful of viscous ink at Ye Qianyue. green liquid.

The strong stench came, enough to make people pass out!
And the liquid rushed out, and soon stretched out like a big net, and ruthlessly enveloped Ye Qianyue!

The viscous liquid was still dripping down, Ye Qianyue stared at the big net that enveloped her, her dark eyes froze.

Almost in an instant, Ye Qianyue calculated the only way to escape. Instead of dodging, Ye Qianyue rushed towards the huge spider web with her feet in the void.

Seeing Ye Qianyue's almost death-seeking behavior, Huo Qilin didn't show any panic, but quickly came to the side of the spider web, as if waiting for Ye Qianyue to come over.

Her body was about to collide with the spider web, but Ye Qianyue withdrew her hands and feet at this moment, curled up tightly into a ball, and slipped through the gap in the spider web!
(End of this chapter)

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