Chapter 264 You Damn Human
The holes in the spider's web were neither too big nor too small, which happened to allow Ye Qianyue to pass through completely!

Even the corner of the skirt didn't touch the spider web, Ye Qianyue stretched out her hand while rushing out of the spider web, wrapped her arms around Huo Qilin's neck, turned over and sat on Huo Qilin's body.

The scepter also appeared in his hand at this moment, and Ye Qianyue's beautiful face rolled with murderous intent, staring coldly at the wooden-faced ghost spider.

Originally, he thought that his spider web would definitely kill Ye Qianyue in an instant, but the wood-faced ghost spider didn't expect Ye Qianyue to escape at all, and was taken aback for a moment.

And this moment of stupefaction gave Ye Qianyue a chance to strike!
The spar of the scepter in his hand was condensed with raging flames, like a sharp long knife, it pierced fiercely into the uppermost eye on the left side of the wood-faced ghost spider!
"Squeak!" The sharp dull pain immediately caused the wood-faced ghost spider to let out a shrill scream, and its huge body twisted crazily.

Almost mobilizing all the thoughts in her body, Ye Qianyue's eyes were beating with murderous intent, and she cut down fiercely!
After hearing a crisp sound like gold and iron colliding, the condensed flames quickly fell downwards, and cut open the two eyes of the wood-faced ghost spider with a terrifying momentum!

There were a total of four eyes on one side, three of which were cut into pieces by Ye Qianyue at once. The wood-faced ghost spider could no longer bear the dull pain, and an angry roar erupted from its throat. Changzuo also rushed towards Ye Qianyue fiercely!
The speed was so dizzying that Ye Qianyue and Huo Qilin couldn't dodge completely.

Feeling the strong murderous aura, Ye Qianyue knew that she couldn't hide, so she could only turn slightly sideways, watching the long leg stab her shoulder, and pushed herself out hard.

Blood splattered out, and the terrifying force directly sent Huo Qilin and Ye Qianyue flying at the same time.

"Roar!" There was also a painful roar from his throat, Huo Qilin was flung to the ground in embarrassment, his dark amber eyes looked at Ye Qianyue who was still held in mid-air by the spider's legs.

Unlike Huo Qilin, which has hard scales that can resist attacks, Ye Qianyue's entire shoulder was pierced, and the barbs on the spider's legs twisted her flesh fiercely!

The sharp pain caused Ye Qianyue to break out in a thin layer of cold sweat, and even made Xiao Hei's complexion change drastically.

He was about to rush over to rescue Ye Qianyue immediately, but before Xiao Hei could move, Ye Qianyue glanced at him sharply as expected, "Don't come over!"

Being stopped by Ye Qianyue, Xiao Hei looked up anxiously, looking nervously at Ye Qianyue in the sky.

I saw the scepter in Ye Qianyue's hand turned over, and the terrible flame burned the spider's leg fiercely, and an unpleasant scorched smell suddenly came out from the raised surface.

"Zhi——you, this damned human!" As a seventh-order monster, the Wood Faced Ghost Spider also possessed a certain amount of intelligence, and immediately spat out such a sentence viciously.

While speaking, the wood-faced ghost spider's mind moved, and the spider's legs that were supposed to fly out of the top of the fire unicorn came towards Ye Qianyue again.

The target this time was Ye Qianyue's heart, and the wood-faced ghost spider was obviously completely enraged.

There were bursts of cold light beating in the dark eyes, and a stern look flashed across Ye Qianyue's face.

Suddenly, a burst of terrifying flames erupted all over the body, and the scorching heat made the wood-faced ghost spider let out a scream.

(End of this chapter)

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