The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 265 You Are Not Worthy Of Knowing

Chapter 265 You Are Not Worthy Of Knowing

At the same time, Ye Qianyue turned her hand over, and a sharp dagger appeared in her hand, severely cutting off the roasted spider leg of the wood-faced ghost spider!

"Roar!" With the protection of the scales, Huo Qilin was only slightly injured, and immediately rushed over to catch Ye Qianyue.

"Huo'er, charge forward!" Ye Qianyue pulled out the spider leg embedded in her shoulder fiercely, and said in a deep voice without even looking at the splashed blood.

Originally, he wanted to leave with Ye Qianyue directly, but Huo Qilin roared worriedly after hearing Ye Qianyue's words.

"Trust me, go." Ye Qianyue's complexion was pale, but she still said firmly when the sharp pain came.

Nodding his head, Huo Qilin stepped down immediately and rushed out quickly.

"According to my mind, follow my actions." After saying this to Huo Qilin, the scepter in Ye Qianyue's hand condensed a flaming blade, overflowing with murderous aura.

"Roar!!" With a roar, Huo Qilin and Ye Qianyue were connected with each other, and immediately twisted their bodies and rushed to the right.

The flame blade in his hand also pierced fiercely into the belly of the wood-faced ghost spider, and then twisted it hard.

"Squeak! I want to kill... ah!!" The fragile abdomen was pierced, and the wood-faced ghost spider immediately let out a sharp scream, and its huge body trembled continuously.

As if she didn't hear it, Ye Qianyue directed Huo Qilin to continue forward regardless of the sand flying below.

Soon, there was only a muffled sound, and a huge wound was cut on the stomach of the wood-faced ghost spider.

The sticky purple blood was left behind, which shocked the wood-faced ghost spider.

Staring at the wound, Ye Qianyue narrowed her eyes deeply, and quickly caught the magic core hidden behind the piece of meat! !

As long as the magic core is taken out, the wood-faced ghost spider will not be able to use it no matter how powerful it is!

Having also discovered Ye Qianyue's intentions, the wood-faced ghost spider roared crazily, and countless dark green vines crazily drilled out from under its feet, like countless spider legs, piercing towards Ye Qianyue's body sharply.

"Huo'er, come back!" With a movement of his mind, Huo Qilin immediately turned into a streak of light, and got into the contract space between Ye Qianyue's eyebrows.

Seeing countless vines coming towards her, Ye Qianyue dodged to avoid several fatal injuries, and was about to use fire energy, but saw countless black smoke rising, quickly enveloping those sharp vines , and then smashed it into fine powder.

Eyes widened in surprise, Ye Qianyue hurriedly raised her head and looked at Xiao Hei who was standing in the air not far away.

His eyes were beating with a golden cold light, and the black smoke floating around Xiao Hei gave off bursts of terrifying aura that made one's heart tremble.

"Zhi——you, what kind of monster!?" The pressure of the blood that belongs only to the monster rushes out instantly, and the wood-faced ghost spider can hardly breathe. It can only look at Xiao Hei over there with a look of horror. .

"You don't deserve to know." After saying this coldly, Xiao Hei winked at Ye Qianyue.

Nodding at the moment, Ye Qianyue turned her feet, her body spun like a top, and the flame blade in her hand also spun along with it, crazily piercing towards the stomach of the wood-faced ghost spider!

"Squeak, squeak!" A sharp dull pain came, and the wood-faced ghost spider screamed frantically, but it couldn't resist because of the coercion around Xiao Hei!
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(End of this chapter)

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