Chapter 267 Don't You See Her?
Being gently touched by Ye Qianyue on the head, Huo Qilin squinted his eyes as if enjoying himself, and let Ye Qianyue treat its wound meticulously.

The potions used by humans are also useful for monsters. Ye Qianyue naturally doesn't feel sorry for Huo Qilin, so she uses the best healing potion to heal it.

As a fifth-grade pharmacist, Ye Qianyue's medicine is naturally very effective.

The wound was quickly healed. Although it was not completely healed, it was still scarred.

After applying a layer of special medicine on it, Ye Qianyue finally patted Huo Qilin's head with peace of mind, "Okay, this last medicine can make your scales grow faster, but, You may feel a little itchy, bear with it, and it will be fine in two days."

Originally, he couldn't help but wanted to scratch the wound, but when Huo Qilin heard Ye Qianyue's words, he suddenly became obedient and stopped moving.

Continuing to treat her injuries, Ye Qianyue called Xiao Hei back with the shrunken Fire Qilin after finishing all this.

Planning to go to the forest to find some medicinal herbs for healing, Ye Qianyue did not rush back to Tianhuo City, but plunged into the forest again.


And when Ye Qianyue and the wood-faced ghost spider experienced this life-and-death decisive battle, there was an angry scream from the station.

"Brother, how could you give the map to that bitch!!" Nalan Feiyu sternly questioned Nalan Rongze with an angry expression on his face.

Hearing Nalan Feiyu address Ye Qianyue, Nalan Rongze frowned indistinctly, "Feiyu, you are too rude."

"Brother! That Ye Qianyue is my enemy, how can you tell her where Huo Xicao is!" Trembling with anger, Nalan Feiyu slapped the table fiercely and said loudly, "Before Daddy goes out He specifically told us to take Huoxicao back, so what do we have to take back and explain to daddy?!"

"You don't have to worry about it, I have my own way." Nalan Rongze gave Nalan Feiyu a cold look, but there was a hint of coldness and impatience in his usually gentle eyes, "Feiyu, I am you Eldest brother, you'd better not play tricks in front of me, otherwise, I won't be able to spare you."

Those cold words contained trembling courage, which made Nalan Feiyu shrink her neck involuntarily.

She was not born to the same mother as Nalan Rongze. The Nalan family is a big family, so the relationship between the two is not so good.

Knowing that his eldest brother usually looks smiling, he is actually the most difficult person in the family except his father, but Nalan Feiyu still gritted his teeth unwillingly, "I don't care, that fire grass is my I absolutely can't hand it over to others!"

"Even if you go, you will die." Without hesitation, he poured cold water on Nalan Feiyu, Nalan Rongze had never hated his sister so much.

He knew at a glance that Ye Qianyue was definitely not something in the pool. If such a person could use a fire grass to exchange her favor for the Nine Dragon Mercenary Group, even if his father knew about it, he would definitely not stop.

Thinking of Ye Qianyue's clear and cold appearance, Nalan Rongze's heart was moved.

And, most importantly, he also wants to see Ye Qianyue happy...

"Brother, don't you have your eyes on that slut?" Nalan Feiyu asked in surprise without missing Nalan Rongze's expression at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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