Chapter 268 Because I Will Kill Her
"Why? Can't you?" Nalan Rongze said directly because he was indeed fascinated by Ye Qianyue.

"I don't care what you think, anyway, the Huoxi Grass must be mine!" Unexpectedly, Nalan Rongze admitted it directly, and Nalan Feiyu screamed immediately, "Since you don't want to help me, Then I will go by myself, and when the time comes to snatch back the Fire Xicao, the credit cannot be credited to you!"

Seeing Nalan Feiyu's aggressive look, Nalan Rongze gave her a serious look, "Feiyu, let me advise you one last thing, don't provoke Miss Ye, otherwise, even if something happens to you, the consequences will be the same." You are responsible for it yourself, as the young master of the Nine Dragons Mercenary Group, I absolutely cannot allow you to recruit an enemy with powerful potential for our Nine Dragons Mercenary Group!"

"Hmph, don't bother you, I will take my men to find her, and when I get the Fire Xicao, even Daddy won't blame me." Nalan Feiyu raised her head proudly, Nalan Feiyu felt Nalan Rongze said this because he had a good impression of Ye Qianyue, and he didn't notice that Nalan Rongze's words were the last warning.

Looking at Nalan Feiyu's obsessive look, Nalan Rongze's eyes were deep, "Okay, you can go, but you have to remember that it would be best if you can come back alive, but if you can't, our Kowloon The mercenary group will never make an enemy of Ye Qianyue for you."

"There is no need to be an enemy of her, because I will kill her!" Nalan Feiyu sneered and dropped such a sentence, and Nalan Feiyu summoned his subordinates, and hurried out of the inn.

Staring at Nalan Feiyu's leaving back, Nalan Rongze pursed his lips tightly and didn't say another word.

At this moment, Nalan Rongze already knew that it was impossible for Nalan Feiyu to come back alive.

He has already said what should be said, since Nalan Feiyu is determined to die, then he has nothing to say.

However, just as he said, even if he knew what would happen next, he would never be an enemy of Ye Qianyue.

Thinking about it, Nalan Rongze also got up and left.

Thinking of seeing Ye Qianyue again in Tianhuo City, Nalan Rongze slightly raised the corners of his lips, and the speed of his feet involuntarily accelerated.



All I heard was a muffled sound in the forest, and then a fourth-order beast was knocked out, then hit the ground hard, and lost its breath for an instant.

The flaming Qingcheng figure followed closely, and Ye Qianyue had already taken off her wide black cloak at this moment.

The red dress outlines Miaoman's figure, making Ye Qianyue a little more girlish.

Ye Qianyue's face was like a peach blossom, and Ye Qianyue's face, which was more delicate and beautiful than any other woman's, had a faint smile on it, and her dark eyes were like cold stars, staring at the monster's corpse on the ground.

Clenching her fists involuntarily, Ye Qianyue could clearly feel the thought power in her body gradually solidifying.

"Sure enough, the best way to condense your mind power is to fight!" After only a few days in the Tianhuo Forest, the mind power in Ye Qianyue's body is no longer so vain. Completely condensed the power of thought in the body.

She also plans to break through the Nianhuang barrier during this period of time, and Ye Qianyue really wants to enjoy the feeling of flying with her thoughts.

 Ask for tickets, ask for tickets~ There are tickets and rewards, and there will be more updates today~~
  There will be an update in the evening, babies, please remember to vote for the concubine~~
(End of this chapter)

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