Chapter 279 I Really Don't Dare
Soon on the second day, Mo Zhu pushed open the door of Ye Qianyue's room, but smelled a faint smell of blood.

Frowning suspiciously, Mo Zhu carefully ran to the bedside, shaking Ye Qianyue, "Miss, wake up."

Opening her eyes almost immediately, Ye Qianyue smiled at Mo Zhu, "Good morning."

"Good morning miss." As he said that, Mo Zhu took a deep breath, and he still smelled the smell of blood, "Miss, what did you do in the house last night? Why does the room smell like blood?"

"It's nothing serious, just dealt with a few pests." After saying this casually, Ye Qianyue got up, "I'll go and tell the store today and ask them to change a room for me."

Although the smell of blood in the room was very faint, Ye Qianyue didn't like the smell very much, so she decided to change the room.

"My servant understands. After breakfast, this servant will go and tell the people at the inn." Mo Zhu obediently agreed, and then fetched hot water to wash Ye Qianyue.

After taking care of everything, Ye Qianyue went downstairs and met the terrified eyes of the innkeeper.

Hastily looked away, the innkeeper panicked and wanted to go a little further, but he couldn't move due to the pressure of Ye Qianyue's sight.

What happened last night, although the owner of the inn was not the mastermind, he must have been involved.

Otherwise, those people would not be able to easily tamper with their tea.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue's mouth suddenly pulled a bloodthirsty smile.

Walking down the stairs slowly, Ye Qianyue sat on the seat with her legs crossed, pointed to the frozen innkeeper over there, and then hooked her fingers at him, "You, come here."

His face turned livid with fright, the innkeeper trembled all over, and he didn't dare to come over after struggling for a long time.

He cast a cold look at the innkeeper, and Ye Qianyue's dark eyes showed bursts of chilling coldness, which made the innkeeper covered in cold sweat and walked over tremblingly.

"Ye, Miss Ye, what do you want?" The innkeeper asked softly, trying to squeeze out an ugly smile.

"You still know my name, it seems that you are very clear about my affairs?" Ye Qianyue poured herself a cup of tea seemingly casually, and then took a sip, "Boss's tea here is not bad, although it was last year It’s an old tea, but it’s very effective, not only can it make people lose their minds, but it can also help people get rich and die.”

"Miss! I, I don't dare, I really don't dare!" Hearing Ye Qianyue's words, the innkeeper was so frightened that he fell to his knees.

Seeing this situation, the other people in the inn were very discerning and left here one by one.

Everyone knew about Ye Qianyue's murderous reputation. It was not a problem for her to kill a few people in Tianhuo City, but none of the people present was willing to become the miserable soul of Ye Qianyue's subordinates.

"I don't want to make it difficult for you either. Now I will give you a chance. As long as you answer my question obediently, I can consider it and save your life." Ye Qianyue lowered her eyes casually and said.

"Yes, yes, I'm small, but follow the orders of the lady!" the innkeeper said quickly.

"Are you familiar with the third sister and brother Xiluan?" Seeing no one around, Ye Qianyue asked straightforwardly without even thinking about it.

(End of this chapter)

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