Chapter 280 Jumping into the Fire Pit

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"This, this, I'm not very familiar..." He hesitated and replied, the innkeeper only saw a flash of cold light, and then he felt his forehead go cold.

Seeing that the hair on his forehead had been shaved off, the innkeeper let out a cry.

"If you dare to hide it again, your head will be aimed next time." Holding a sharp dagger in her hand, Ye Qianyue said coldly.

"Familiar, I am very familiar with them, if not, they would not bring you to my shop." The innkeeper said tremblingly.

"Very good, Xiao Hei, I'll leave it to you." Ye Qianyue winked at Xiao Hei, and Ye Qianyue watched as Xiao Hei led the innkeeper to a room.

"Miss..." Although he knew that Xiao Hei was not weak, Mo Zhu was still a little worried.

However, at this moment, the innkeeper's scream was suddenly heard in the room, followed by the sound of begging for mercy.

"Don't worry, Xiao Hei won't show mercy." Ye Qianyue said with a smile.

Hearing the screams coming from the room again, Mo Zhu twitched the corners of his mouth, then nodded in agreement with Ye Qianyue's words.

It didn't take long for Xiao Hei to come out.

Seemingly clapping his hands coldly, Xiao Hei said flatly, "The question came out."

"How do you say it?" I asked Ye Qianyue, putting down the teacup in my hand.

"The innkeeper said that, but he didn't know the specifics. He only knew that Xiluan had been to the Lan family's mansion a few times recently, and asked him to keep an eye on the three of us. The innkeeper originally thought that Xiluan and the others He will do it soon, but after waiting for so long and there is no movement, he has no patience, and yesterday he simply took money from those people last night and poured some medicine into our tea."

"It's thanks to them that they figured out such a stupid way to play tricks." Ye Qianyue smiled coldly, a ferocious killing intent danced in her dark eyes.

No wonder yesterday before drinking the water, Mo Zhu saw Ye Qianyue put something in the tea, so it was to understand the properties of the medicine.

"Miss, isn't the Lan family the owner of Wanbao Auction House?" Looking at Ye Qianyue nervously, Mo Zhu frowned, "Then shall we go tonight?"

Although he didn't know why Xiluan went to the Lan family, Mo Zhu knew they must be planning something.

"As long as there is news of the Buddha Spirit Fruit, we must go." Stretching out her hand to touch Mo Zhu's head, Ye Qianyue said with a smile, "Don't worry, I know what's in my heart, and I'm good at black and white. gone."

"Then, that servant girl wants to go with Miss!" Mo Zhu hadn't been able to follow when she went to Tianhuo Forest before, so she will follow whatever she says this time.

This auction is obviously a pit of fire, she has to follow her own lady.

"Okay." Nodding in agreement, Ye Qianyue also felt that Mo Zhu needed to practice.


Soon it was night, and the Wanbao Auction House was extremely lively at the moment.

Several dressed violently. .The beautiful maids with bare clothes stood at the entrance of Wanbao Auction House, smiling and entertaining the gorgeously dressed guests.

I have to say that this Wanbao Auction House is extraordinarily gorgeous. Even before entering the door, the heavy mahogany door already looks very luxurious.

Still wearing the fiery red dress, when Ye Qianyue looked up, she saw a gold-plated plaque with the words 'Wanbao Auction House' written on it.

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(End of this chapter)

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