Chapter 289 This Pediatric Thing
Indeed, as Lan Zhiqing said, Tianhuo City is such an unreasonable place, whoever is strong will be respected by everyone, otherwise, he will be directly eliminated by this ruthless Tianhuo City.

People like Lan Zhiqing are naturally not fools.

After seeing the value of Ye Qianyue, he did not hesitate to choose to betray the third sister and brother Qiluan in order to please Ye Qianyue.

"You can betray others, but you can also betray me. I won't believe you." Ye Qianyue said coldly.

Hearing Ye Qianyue's indifferent words, Lan Zhiqing didn't show much expression on her face, "Miss Ye was joking. We, the Lan family, dare not make mistakes when facing a strong man like Miss."

Hearing Lan Zhiqing's meaningful words, Ye Qianyue smiled.

The corners of the bright red lips curled up, and Ye Qianyue's smile immediately amazed Lan Zhiqing, making him stunned.

Regardless of Lan Zhiqing's reaction, Ye Qianyue said flatly, "In this case, I will kill those three people with my own hands."

Naturally, it was about the three of Xiluan, Ye Qianyue didn't have to worry about the Lan family who reined in the precipice, but she had to get rid of the three of Xiluan.

"It's ready for Miss Ye, please come with me." Lan Zhiqing always had a calm smile on her face, and led Ye Qianyue to a secret room.

There is a huge cage in the secret room, in which the three of Xi Luan, who are full of scars, are imprisoned.

Sensing that someone was coming, the three of Qi Luan struggled to open their eyes, and immediately met Ye Qianyue's cold gaze.

The dark eyes were like tumbling clouds, with dots of cold killing light constantly dancing in them, the three of Xiluan trembling all over, begging for mercy, "My lord, my lord! We were wrong, we dare not do it again. "

"It's too late." With a light wave of Ye Qianyue's plain palm, two flames rushed out quickly, piercing through the chests of Chihou and Zhenhu in an instant.

Seeing his younger brothers died in front of him, Qi Luan screamed all over, then knelt down on the ground, kowtowing continuously, "Please, please, I poisoned you before, as long as you Let me go, I will definitely tell you how to detoxify...!"

Under Xi Luan's horrified gaze, Ye Qianyue shook the spiritual imprint on her hand at her, and sneered with disdain, "Do you think this kind of pediatric thing can really hurt me?"

His whole body trembled like a convulsion, and Xi Luan watched as Ye Qianyue's fingers lightly wiped away that spiritual imprint with ease! !

How powerful Ye Qianyue's spiritual power is just to eliminate her spiritual power so easily!
However, Xiluan didn't have time to think about it, and watched a wire as thin as silk rush out of Ye Qianyue's hand, and then instantly penetrated her eyebrows.

A trace of burnt smell permeated the air, and then the line of fire disappeared, and Xi Luan also fell to the ground.

"Is Miss Ye satisfied?" Lan Zhiqing stood aside and watched quietly from the beginning to the end, as if he was not the one who betrayed the third sister and brother Qiluan.

To be able to pick himself up so cleanly is worthy of being the young master of a faction in Skyfire City.

"If there is a next time, I will kill you." She glanced at Lan Zhiqing coldly, Ye Qianyue really did not intend to do anything to Lan Zhiqing.

(End of this chapter)

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